Bush Paves the Way for Martial Law


Senior Master
Bush Paves the Way for Martial Law

In October 2006, Bush signed into law the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007. Quietly slipped into the law at the last minute, at the request of the Bush administration, were sections changing important legal principles, dating back 200 years, which limit the U.S. government's ability to use the military to intervene in domestic affairs. These changes would allow Bush, whenever he thinks it necessary, to institute martial law--under which the military takes direct control over civilian administration.

Combine it with the *spit* USA PATRIOT Act. Consider that the Camps have already been built. By Halliburton of course for a third of a billion dollars. They're staffed, equipped and ready to hold upwards of a hundred thousand people in detention in the Midwest for "immigration emergencies", "public unrest" or "special projects authorized by the President".

We're going to get ****ed in the *** without even the common courtesy of a reach-around
They're staffed, equipped and ready to hold upwards of a hundred thousand people in detention in the Midwest for "immigration emergencies", "public unrest" or "special projects authorized by the President".
You're right. I live in southwestern Iowa and the surrounding camps are cleverly disguised as cornfileds...acres and acres of cornfields...
Combine it with the *spit* USA PATRIOT Act. Consider that the Camps have already been built. By Halliburton of course for a third of a billion dollars. They're staffed, equipped and ready to hold upwards of a hundred thousand people in detention in the Midwest for "immigration emergencies", "public unrest" or "special projects authorized by the President".

We're going to get ****ed in the *** without even the common courtesy of a reach-around

So is this considered a step forward or a step back from getting Waco'd by the government?
A step in a worse direction, I would say. The Branch Davidians had a seige, lots of publicity and so on. It was an exceptional, newsworthy, Bad Thing(tm). Now it's been normalized. Setting up detention facilities for the detention of hundreds of thousands outside the traditional legal system is a whole different kettle of putrefying blivots.
Consider that the Camps have already been built. By Halliburton of course for a third of a billion dollars. They're staffed, equipped and ready to hold upwards of a hundred thousand people in detention in the Midwest for "immigration emergencies", "public unrest" or "special projects authorized by the President".

Crack open another roll if foil. We have another one!
Blotan, pull your head out and open your eyes. It isn't that difficult.

This is a simple matter of public record. The government says that the camps have been built. They are very upfront about what they're for - "immigration emergencies", "civil unrest" or Bush's "special projects". That's simple, verifiable fact. It's also a simple, incontrovertible, there in the Congressional record fact that the John Warner Act and the Bird Flu legislation made it trivial for him to move large numbers people wherever he wants, without trial or due process, and to take control over NG troops against the express wishes of the governors. If you are capable of reading simple English prose from the newswires you will be able to verify all of this.

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