Bush Administration Claimed Immunity To 4th Amendment

You are the person supporting Bush and Cheney here.
So, refute the allegations.

Or is your only intent here to insult, and troll?
When I start to insult you, trust me, you'll know. I am a simple man, and I use simple words. Direct, and to the point. I havnt insulted you yet.

As to the resolution?

  1. has purposely manipulated the intelligence process to deceive the citizens and Congress of the United States by fabricating a threat of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, as well as

Ok, first off, then President Clinton used the EXACT SAME intelligence that PRESIDENT Bush used. Got that? the EXACT SAME INTEL and came to the EXACT SAME conclusions. And that was before Bush or Cheney were in office so they couldnt have manipulated it when they were not even there.
for example:

So that ones horsecrap

2 fabricating a threat about an alleged relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda, in order to justify the use of the U.S. Armed Forces against Iraq in a manner damaging to U.S. national security interests; and

It has been PROVEN that Saddam paid money to suicide bombers
It has been proven that AQ had training camps in Iraq
It has been proven that Saddam delt with Abu Nidal


"Abu Nidal, the Palestinian terrorist, was murdered on the orders of Saddam Hussein after refusing to train al-Qa'eda fighters based in Iraq,"
so thats horse crap too

3 in violation of his constitutional oath and duty, has openly threatened aggression against Iran absent any real threat to the United States, and has done so with the proven U.S. capability to carry out such threats, thus undermining U.S. national security. [1][2]

Under the cease fire agreement, the united states was entitled to resume the original gulf war if iraq stopped living up to the terms of the cease fire.

they did

so thats horse crap too.

That was easy
naw, i dont need to. I made my point. And I have a CRAZY suspicion you didnt even bother to read my post anyway.

people suffering from Bush Derangment Syndrome make me chuckle

so many accusations, so little proof

not saying that YOU are suffering from it, but those that are? they make me laugh
I posted FACTS

not opinions, FACTS

but you dont care. Hmmm. Maybe I was wrong about you

maybe you DO have BDS
Disputing 3 points out of hundreds does not win you an argument.

As to the rest....
actually no. I am not a huge fan of the President.

i HATE his stance on illegal immigration

I support gay marriage, so i disagree with him there

I am pro choice, so i disagree with him there

I thought we should have stayed in Afganistan longer, so i disagreed with him there

in 2000, in the texas primary, i voted for McCain because i thought Bush was too in-experienced

i agree with him about the war in the larger terms

i RESPECT his recovery from addiction

I really dont care for him that much as a president, but what i REALLY dont like is un-fair critisism. Of Anyone. I didnt like it when Clinton was un-fairly reemed 9which wasnt often he deserved most of what he got) and I dont like it when Mr Bush gets reemed when he doesnt deserve it

need i go on or have your figured out yet that you are without a clue on what I believe?

BTW tellner, referring to the President as "Chimpy" tells everyone an awful lot about YOU

none of it good

Seriously, dont be THAT guy
I really dont care for him that much as a president, but what i REALLY dont like is un-fair critisism. Of Anyone. I didnt like it when Clinton was un-fairly reemed 9which wasnt often he deserved most of what he got) and I dont like it when Mr Bush gets reemed when he doesnt deserve it

That's about the first thing you've said that I'll agree with. You're new, so I'll forgive you for not being up on my numerous past defenses of Mr. Bush when that's happened. He gets blamed for everything and that isn't fair. He didn't start the Iraq war. He didn't start the forgotten Afghanistan war. He didn't single handedly hammer away at the Constitution like Taliban on stone Budhas. He had help, and that help was a Congress than bent over and spread cheek of the American People. I fully blame and hold Congress accountable for their part as well. At best, they should be tried as accessories, and also impeached. Bush, as CiC is the fall guy, and he's no innocent. But, you're right, he does get unfairly blamed for things that others are just as guilty of.

Please keep the discussion at a mature, respectful level.

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Feel free to use the Ignore feature to ignore members whose posts you do not wish to read (it is at the bottom of each member's profile).
Thank you.

-Ronald Shin
-MT Supermoderator
Gov. George W. Bush
Popular vote 50,460,110
Percentage 47.9%

VP Albert A. Gore
Popular vote 51,003,926
Percentage 48.4%

Final decision was by court order. He won the court case, not the election. Want to argue that, we did, in depth, over the last 7 years. Dead issue.

Sorry to continue this off thread argument, but Bush was not selected, as you say. He won the election. As you will see in your own proof, Bush won the electoral college vote, which is what is required, not the popular vote. You may disagree with it, but even Jefferson agreed with the concept of the electoral college.
Gov. George W. Bush
Popular vote 50,460,110
Percentage 47.9%

VP Albert A. Gore
Popular vote 51,003,926
Percentage 48.4%

Final decision was by court order. He won the court case, not the election. Want to argue that, we did, in depth, over the last 7 years. Dead issue.
Lucky for us too. That frees Albert up to fight the real enemy (global warming and carbon credits). Bush won the election, the courts upheld it (although some would like to say the courts awarded Bush the election) and our system of government works the way it was designed. I know the dems weren't happy about it, and I wouldn't have been either...and I understand that I can't always have my own way. Gore demonstrated more than once that rules mean nothing to him, unfortunately (for him) this is still a nation of laws.

Wikipeida just doesn't carry the same weight of scholarly research and reporting in my mind. When anyone can get on and post, then you're going to get a bunch of mish...not to say it's wrong absolutely or not worthwhile to use as a reference. Some of it is opinion and slanted.
Whoo. What a nice ride this is. On one side, you have piles of alegations, references to resolutions before the House, and a stack of complaints. On the other side, you have someone whining "stop picking on the president! wah. You all meanie heads". I don't know, that other argument is starting to sway me. I mean, lets look at things objectively here.

Mr. Bush, or "Chimpy" (Man, I so like that, but really, wouldn't "Chimpy" have better suited Reagan? I mean, he did do that monkey movie.) is enjoying what level of public approval again? 90%? 85%? Oh wait, it's under 25%.

Well, maybe that's just us poor public losers. What about the historians? Surely History will vindicate him?
"61% of Historians Rate the Bush Presidency Worst" Ouch! Well, screw those egg heads anyway.

Lets check his Civil Rights record.
"There ought to be limits to freedom of speech." - George W. Bush

Hmm, maybe we shouldn't go down this route.

So, since the "I've got my tongue lodged up the CiC's anal sphinkter" people take offense to people pointing out, with great ease I might add, the huge record of abuses and mismanagement of Dumya, lets see them counter. Really. Ol' Double HamHocks there should be able to tell us how much safer we are, how much cleaner our water, how much better balanced our economy is, and how easily countered all these claims are.

I doubt he will though. He's all bluster, empty pomp and incapable of doing more than placing fingers in ears and going "lalalalalala" as if that makes things different. Keep clicking your feet together Dorothy.

So, trollboy, maybe you should cite, note, refute, and back things up. You might be taken more seriously here. Me, I take you as a joke, a troll, and as someone in serious need of a clue. You're most likely a career Republican, swallowed the Party Line, and blame Bill Clinton for all that is wrong today. (Bills real crime was, he got off on ugly fat chicks, a serious sign of poor judgement. Kennedy at least stuck his dick into movie stars, not interns). It's the whole system, they all are wrong, they all sold us out, and they all need to go. All of them. All of them. All of them!!! Need to go! The sooner you wake up to that fact, the sooner you might get your country back. But no. Go back to sleep. Hit snooze. sleep. sleep. sleep. sleep. sleep. Be a Real American. sleep. sleep.sleep. sleep. You get what you deserve.

high gas prices, food shortages, high crime, and less and less personal freedoms. All for the illusion of safety. All for the illusion of safety. You feel safe? I don't. But, I have this problem. I insist on thinking for myself, and not letting someone else do it for me. Try it sometime.
actually, i have refuted, with facts.

Not one thing I have posted in this thread have been proven wrong yet.

And your long, vicious personal attack is the most crude, foul thing I have ever read on this board. Also, it has been reported. Not because i cant take the heat, but because those are the rules around here. As i found out last night.

Welcome to my ignore list, and CONGRATS, you are the first one on it.


Please keep the discussion at a mature, respectful level. Please review our sniping policy http://www.martialtalk.com/forum/sho...d.php?p=427486. Feel free to use the Ignore feature to ignore members whose posts you do not wish to read (it is at the bottom of each member's profile). Thank you.

Mike Slosek
MT Asst. Admin
actually, i have refuted, with facts.

Not one thing I have posted in this thread have been proven wrong yet.

And your long, vicious personal attack is the most crude, foul thing I have ever read on this board. Also, it has been reported. Not because i cant take the heat, but because those are the rules around here. As i found out last night.

Welcome to my ignore list, and CONGRATS, you are the first one on it.
I knew he loved me. I made "The List".

Seriously, you missed my points.

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