
Kreth, why are we this close to each other, and we haven't met?

We have to correct that. Thanks for the laugh.

I'd obviously be at fault if I didn't mention that there is a good deal of constant sword training going on in Switzerland with the Jinenkan schools there.

We are *very* diligent in our sword training, and the guys from Switzerland are fantastic folks to train with (I've met them on their visits to Japan and the USA as well).

Give them a look: http://www.jinenkan.ch

Best of luck!
Peter Steeves said:

I'd obviously be at fault if I didn't mention that there is a good deal of constant sword training going on in Switzerland with the Jinenkan schools there.

We are *very* diligent in our sword training, and the guys from Switzerland are fantastic folks to train with (I've met them on their visits to Japan and the USA as well).

Give them a look: http://www.jinenkan.ch

Best of luck!

hey, that is AWESOME!! didnt find them and did A LOT of research!! thank you very much! thats like a 15 minute ride too!! and i am visiting another iaido-class on monday too.. GREAT!!!

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