Bujinkan Seminar in Chicago


White Belt
Budo for Shady Oaks

This charity event will be held on September 2-4, 2005 in Chicagoland. Please pass this along to everyone you know so that we may be a huge success in raising money for Shady Oaks Camp.

Instructor Update

We have added to our instructor list, which includes senior members of the Bujinkan with anywhere up to 20 years of experience living and training in Japan with Hatsumi Sensei. Our instructors now include Phil Legare, Mike Pearce, Andrew Young, Greg Kowalski. More may be added.

Theme of the Event

The theme for training has been set. The instructors will teach a specific segment. People will rotate when we change sessions so that they are exposed to each instructor and their training ideas.

Bojutsu – You will learn katas, techniques, kamae and more with the 6ft. staff.

Naginata - You will learn katas, techniques, kamae and more with the naginata.

Yari - You will learn katas, techniques, battlefield formations, kamae and more with the yari(spear).

Suiton No Jutsu - You will learn water skills including evading, and the use of water as camouflage.

Traditional Native American Sweat Lodge - Members of the Bujinkan will create a sweat lodge and share the experience with all those who wish to join.

Taijutsu - You will learn taijutsu katas, techniques, kamae and more for those not wishing to participate in the Suiton No Jutsu or Traditional Native American Sweat Lodge.

More information will be added to the website over time. http://www.chicago-ninjutsu.org/so2005/home.htm

Shidoshi Discounts

Any Shidoshi planning on bringing students should contact Mark Agostino for special discounts.

Special Offer!!!!!!!

Pay a deposit of $50 by June 10, 2005 and the cost to you is only $325 for Package 1 or $265 for Package 2. You may pay the balance when you arrive. Please see the website for package details.

Automated Registration & Payment

Our Automated Registration & Payment features allow you to register and pay online. You may also register and pay by mail using the form on our website.

Budo Shop

Anyone wishing to set up a table to sell merchandise in the budo store should also contact us for details.

We hope to see you all there as we try to raise as much money as possible for Shady Oaks Camp.


Chicago Ninjutsu

333. W. North Avenue Box 134

Chicago, IL 60610

Phone 312-654-8968


Make all checks/money orders payable in U.S. Dollars to Chicago Ninjutsu