togakare ryu


Senior Master
I've frequently seen this list when refering to Togakare Ryu
Seishin Teki Kyoyo - Spiritual Refinement
Tai Jutsu - Unarmed Combat
Ninja Ken - Ninja Sword
Bo-Jutsu - Stick and Staff Fighting
Shuriken-Jutsu - Throwing Blades
Yari-Jutsu - Spear Fighting
Naginata-Jutsu - Halberd Fighting
Kusari-Gama - Chain and Sickle Weapon
Kayaku-Jutsu - Fire and Explosives
Henso-Jutsu - Disguise and Impersonation
Shinobi-Iri - Stealth and Entering Methods
Ba-Jutsu - Horsemanship
Sui-Ren - Water Training
Bo-Ryaku - Strategy
Cho Ho - Espionage
Inton-Jutsu - Escape and Concealment
Ten-Mon - Meteorology
Chi-Mon - Geography

I assume certain aspects are fairly common among people in the Bujinkan... Taijutsu, Bo-jutsu, ninja ken, shuriken-jutsu. How many of the other disciplines do you study? Are they taught in Japan currently? There are some I'd -LOVE- to learn more about, but currently noone I know is teaching them.
It is pretty much the same in Japan. Some folks may be getting stuff in Chimon and such, but they sure aren't doing a lot of it while I am around.

I have heard that the horse stuff was lost. But I have not asked directly.

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