Bujinkan in Iran...

RVD has a real life teacher though.
I don't prescribe to the sokeship thing sorry so not sure what that meant. But no I wouldn't slam someone of that criteria, I just wouldn't pay attention to them.

I personally am a not a huge fan of the video training module. Unless just being used as a refresher. Or at the very least the student can be up front and say they were a distance student via video. If there is no lie then thats fine.

I have met RVD as well only for a brief bit. Seems like a nice enough guy. There is no doubt he is on the flash side of things. But thats him.
However for the record. Rank is not the only thing to respect I admit that. Honestly it is apparent that in some orgs it has even less worth, but it should be a factor. IE say a 6th kyu tearing down a member of the Shidoshi Kai publicly. To me personally I'd find a bit offensive. But again that is my opinion.
IE say a 6th kyu tearing down a member of the Shidoshi Kai publicly. To me personally I'd find a bit offensive. But again that is my opinion.

Well... good thing I am neither...

And, ya know, even if I WERE a 6th kyu tearing down a member of the shidoshi-kai, that would be ME burning MY bridges... not somthing YOU should worry about.

I find a lot of things in the martial arts world offensive... Including 10 year old blackbelts and Blackbelts who trained and promoted themselves... Sorry. If my speaking out against these kinds of people offends you... Well... I don't really care.
I am not sure, but I don't think RVD does a lot of checking on people with Hatsumi before he puts listings up. Maybe they are a dojo, maybe they are not.

I can say this. I attended the next class session with Hatsumi after 9-11-01. He had some thoughts on the matter. And based on what he said, I do not think there was any legit dojos in Iran at that time.

I remember hearing something along the same lines that their was no Budo Taijutsu in Iran at this time and it was attributed to Soke. Not sure where I heard it though.
However for the record. Rank is not the only thing to respect I admit that. Honestly it is apparent that in some orgs it has even less worth, but it should be a factor. IE say a 6th kyu tearing down a member of the Shidoshi Kai publicly. To me personally I'd find a bit offensive. But again that is my opinion.

It is not that Dave. A sixth kyu is quite able to say when someone above him is doing something wrong and express his opinion.

And it looks like RVD has opened a can of worms with this.

This group is not listed at winjutsu.com. It may be that they got their Bujinkan membership card through RVD by means of his home study course or something. Their teacher then would be able to train with Hatsumi by showing it. Hatsumi would only know that he sent a card to RVD and not know the final destination.

And based on comments I have heard him make, that may be a problem.
I see Don,
And it is not that I am getting all offended cryozombie I am argueing a point. I don't have the time or care to get too fussed up about a certain person burning their bridges. I was playing devils advocate as I stated.

I would agree on alot of points brought up.
Unfortunatly RVD is not the only one offering the ranks online/by mail etc etc. I know of someone who got their Shodan in 2wks recently. But the school they got it from is in the midwest and I have no idea who it is.

BTW cryo, I was not under the assumption you are of either rank nor was I stating it. I'm not either for the record as well.
Also for the record, where in my posts would you figure I support 10 year old blackbelts that self promote?
Also for the record, where in my posts would you figure I support 10 year old blackbelts that self promote?

You don't. I was stating that as an example of somthing I find offensive in the arts... much the same way I find the idea of people using things like Von Donk's videos (or Hayes, or anyone elses for that matter) exclusivley and then claiming to teach that style.

Sounds like we were misinterpreting each other.
This group is not listed at winjutsu.com. It may be that they got their Bujinkan membership card through RVD by means of his home study course or something. Their teacher then would be able to train with Hatsumi by showing it. Hatsumi would only know that he sent a card to RVD and not know the final destination.

And based on comments I have heard him make, that may be a problem.

The dojo used to be listed on Winjutsu.com; however, it was taken off some time ago.
Hi Brian, yep, got back Friday night, excellent trip, thankyou, weather was great and the boss was fun, can`t wait until next April.

Took part in two Demo`s with Someya Sensei, our good friend Don Roley was part of the Monday Demo, boy does he die well:ultracool .

The rest of the time was just training, had the flu in the second week so i lost a few days but made up for it in the 3rd week.

Did a couple of cultural evenings with the local community, something i do everytime i stay in Koshigaya, keeps the good relations going especially as some Gaijin don`t know how to behave properly:rolleyes: .
According to Richard van Donk's website (http://www.ninjutsu.com/dojos-links.shtml ) they seem to be a "Bujinkan Dojo"

Iran's Central Bujinkan Dojo
seniorteacher: Akbar Faraji rankdan:Shihan
address: Iran - Karaj
Box: 31535/858
url: www.ninjutsu-iran.com
phone: +98 0261 - 4422642
mobile: +98 0912 - 1469187
Telefax: +98 0261 - 4422642

At the top of RVD's page, it says a "Shihan" is a 10th dan or above; he seems to have Mr. Akbar Faraji listed as a "Shihan". It would appear that Mr. Faraji has been to one or two of Lubos Porkorny's seminars in Russia.

Decide for yourself.


With this particular Dojo it does appear that you are going to have to decide for yourself. :asian:
Norm! Glad to hear you had a good time. I'm hoping to make it over there sometime after the new year. Depends on work and my off duty commander. :) I'm also hoping to finally start our classes out here next year. That way I have my own group of punch dummies. LOL

David, it was great meeting you at Buyu Camp. Had a great time talking/training with you. Glad you made it back to FL safe and sound.
Ive just had a friend go over to japan teachin english and training with some of the shihan over there in a average class how many foriengers are at training, hey ya might know him his name is Ryan mcleod from NewZealand its probably just like askin a person from china if they know this friend of yours hehehe anyway just wonderin thanks

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