Buddha ?

I like the so called “Nio figures”, find them imposingly marvelous when entering a temple.
In Chinese they’re called HengHa ErJiang, correctly carved one has mouth open the other mouth closes, representing A and Um forming Aum/Om the word and breath of creation and life
Contrary to the belief of some this not a land of milk and honey and streets of Gold. There are plenty of rich people here, not everyone falls into that category. Under current leadership(?) some of us are going to be better off and many of us worse off.
Contrary to the belief of some this not a land of milk and honey and streets of Gold. There are plenty of rich people here, not everyone falls into that category. Under current leadership(?) some of us are going to be better off and many of us worse off.
I have no idea of your age, financial status, or political affiliation, but this country affords hard working people Much more than any other country. 'nuff said.
There is Always going to be the "some of us are going to be better off and many of us worse off" in all parts of the world. Why would there not be?
But there are no handouts here (at least there should not be where undeserved) and yes, I am certain many of the current government handouts are going to be reeled back. When you look at our country's debt load, why would you expect anything else?
Capitalism is here for everyone. But no one ever said it was free and certainly, it is not easy.
Contrary to the belief of some this not a land of milk and honey and streets of Gold. There are plenty of rich people here, not everyone falls into that category. Under current leadership(?) some of us are going to be better off and many of us worse off.
huh!!!! where the heck did that come from.... and it is most certainly has nothing to do with Buddhism
Better than a thousand hollow words is one word that brings peace. - Buddha
Against my above statement here is a short summary:

I asked why there were so many different statues of Buddha.
I learned Buddha is an attained level, not one person.
Someone mentioned buying a statue of Buddha.
I asked for a picture.
Picture posted.
Someone said it is better to see the statues in person in Japan.
I said I will most likely not visit Japan.
Someone said statues in Japan can be 80 feet tall.
I said would not fir in y house.
Someone said I was a rich American with guns and freedom, build a bigger house.
I said not everyone in America is rich.

You have to read all the posts to really understand.

I did learn something I didn't know before. I am thankful for that.

No offense to any one intended. I don't mind offending people, but, I prefer to do it intentionally....
Against my above statement here is a short summary:

I asked why there were so many different statues of Buddha.
I learned Buddha is an attained level, not one person.
Someone mentioned buying a statue of Buddha.
I asked for a picture.
Picture posted.
Someone said it is better to see the statues in person in Japan.
I said I will most likely not visit Japan.
Someone said statues in Japan can be 80 feet tall.
I said would not fir in y house.
Someone said I was a rich American with guns and freedom, build a bigger house.
I said not everyone in America is rich.

You have to read all the posts to really understand.

I did learn something I didn't know before. I am thankful for that.

No offense to any one intended. I don't mind offending people, but, I prefer to do it intentionally....

I am responsible for suggesting the high ceilings with guns and freedoms as a joke in poor taste.

Moving on...
Against my above statement here is a short summary:

I asked why there were so many different statues of Buddha.
I learned Buddha is an attained level, not one person.
Someone mentioned buying a statue of Buddha.
I asked for a picture.
Picture posted.
Someone said it is better to see the statues in person in Japan.
I said I will most likely not visit Japan.
Someone said statues in Japan can be 80 feet tall.
I said would not fir in y house.
Someone said I was a rich American with guns and freedom, build a bigger house.
I said not everyone in America is rich.

You have to read all the posts to really understand.

I did learn something I didn't know before. I am thankful for that.

No offense to any one intended. I don't mind offending people, but, I prefer to do it intentionally....
To your point, "You have to read all the posts to really understand.", I posted that it was Yonghe Temple in Beijing from my vist there, Beijing is not in Japan, it is in China. Also since I did not quote you and it was right after @Haruhiko post it was a response to Haruhiko, not to you. It was not a suggestion to purchase for your home since it is very likely priceless and not for sale.

Want one for your home, I'd recommend this one
Also since I did not quote you and it was right after @Haruhiko post it was a response to Haruhiko, not to you. It was not a suggestion to purchase for your home since it is very likely priceless and not for sale.

Then I apologise to you both!

In any case, speaking of Buddha statues, just before the shogunate-unification in Japan was established, Toyotomi Hideyoshi used swords for non-swordy things. Like building a giant Buddha statue.

"No matter how much gold Hideyoshi poured into his pet project, various hardships and miscalculations arose during the construction. An ingenious scheme was cooked up to gather enough metal to attempt a casting of the statue, with a massive collection of swords from the peasantry to be melted down for free construction materials. However, a disastrous earthquake stuck and the plans were all for nought. Hideyoshi managed to perform a shocking blasphemy at the feet of the ruined statue, leaving bystanders speechless and terrified of the wrath of the gods. The eventual construction of the Daibutsu by Hideyoshi’s son in 1612 was the end to a tumultuous saga that is full of exciting twists and turns."


It's an interesting read:

“[The building was] so big and unbelievably tall that, however much it may be glorified, and they certainly glorified to me, it was quite impossible to imagine what I was about to see [inside]... This metal idol can well be considered one of the seven wonders of the world; indeed it may well compare with the finest of them... If a famous artist attempted to depict the feet, hands, mouth, eyes, and all the other parts of the face with the greatest perfection, I doubt whether he could attain what I saw there.””

— Rodrigo de Vivero, An Account and Report of the Kingdom of Japan, 1609
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As for large/huge in exclusive material Buddha statues there’s the beautiful Jade Buddha in Anshan city up in the DongBei(Manchuria) region of China, do visit it if you are in the region, it’s not a very busy tourist trap so one can relaxed stroll around and enjoy the tranquility of the temple grounds

Then I apologise to you both!

In any case, speaking of Buddha statues, just before the shogunate-unification in Japan was established, Toyotomi Hideyoshi used swords for non-swordy things. Like building a giant Buddha statue.

"No matter how much gold Hideyoshi poured into his pet project, various hardships and miscalculations arose during the construction. An ingenious scheme was cooked up to gather enough metal to attempt a casting of the statue, with a massive collection of swords from the peasantry to be melted down for free construction materials. However, a disastrous earthquake stuck and the plans were all for nought. Hideyoshi managed to perform a shocking blasphemy at the feet of the ruined statue, leaving bystanders speechless and terrified of the wrath of the gods. The eventual construction of the Daibutsu by Hideyoshi’s son in 1612 was the end to a tumultuous saga that is full of exciting twists and turns."

View attachment 32912

It's an interesting read:
Thank you, But no need to apologize to me
When I posting in this thread I was thinking in the context of Japanese Buddhism and completely missed the reference to Beijing, China, location for the Temple. It was there I just didn't see it.

As for the reference to a bigger house-I didn't realize it was intended as a joke. Again, my error. There is a lot of political/economic turmoil happening here in the United States right now and I am living in the middle of it. Vision obstructed right now.

This forum is one of the few enjoyable activities I have left right now. Thanks to all.

Sincerely, OPR1945