Identify little guys?

I suppose writing in kanji is more akin to artistic skills than our alphabet. It’s explain my crack-handed attempts at trying to write kanji; I have no ability in the visual arts!
Eh, yes and no. Ancient English was written in runic futhorc (ᚠᚢᚦᚩᚱᚳ) and later via Latin script calligraphy both of which are pretty stylistic.

It was really the printing press and later the typewriter that changed all of this. I'm fact prior to the typewriter the "Spencerian" ligature was the standard for business and correspondence writing until the late 1800s. Then block lettering became the norm (which is funny because ancient Roman writing and numberals on stone are almost universally block Latin, being easier to carve).

I doubt most people under the age of 30 could even read this. And for the same reason non Asians struggle with hazni, kanji, or even Cyrillic.

Eh, yes and no. Ancient English was written in runic futhorc (ᚠᚢᚦᚩᚱᚳ) and later via Latin script calligraphy both of which are pretty
Futhorc is the Anglo-Saxon sounding of the Norse futhark, The Anglo-Saxons arrived in Britain in the 9th century? Previously from year 50 AD Britain had been a Roman province for several hundred years, also Celtic writing(alphabet) had been around there at least from the 5th century.
Anyhow, all roads to “Rome”, the futhark/futhorc runes most probably has its origin in the ancient Etruscan alphabet