Bruce Lee TV series?


Senior Master
I just came across an article on the web, about a tv series that is in the works. It will be about Bruce Lee's life. The Chinese governmen is backing the series and the show will be produce by New York-China CCTV. There wer not too many details as of yet, but sounds cool. Did not know where to post this, but was wondering if anyone esle heard about this?
It would be nice to see.I did see 1 film were they tell of his life-early years in Washington-threw L.A. to his death.I wonder how they get around the copy writes.Shannon Lee put a copy write on his name- art-Likeness-symbols,& almost everthing else.She married an lawyer so she is now privey to such.
Interesting to say the least.
Not sure though.
I think politics has a way of making things go south especially when it comes to Bruce Lee.
That is just 1 of the many.Here 1 more quick one that help off set the ways of my teacher Bruce Lee.A few years ago I saw an add Jeet Kune do by Lamar Cavis & Dr Ze Lo.Claims of certifacation from Ted Wong & Inosanto.I called & they both confermed only little seminar-Not authersied to teach.Lamar went on to study little bits from verious so the claim of all 3 school could adhear.Zee Lo had Zee kune do,Now hes back Dressed in sthe same track suite Bruce had in Game of death .Lo also were the same whit 3 piece suite.Acting out his fanticy to be Bruce Lee Claiming Authentic Jeet kune do.He did 3 movies produced-starring Zee Lo.Get the title of this one,Combat Mortal.Were a person has to fight his way to Mortal Combat.Maybe stuff like that helped push it over the edge.Or all the claims of I know Jkd Pre 73 or classical or original or concepts or practiacal or junfan jeet kune do or even Im certified by seminar from many differant lines.That might of done it.Or maybe it was some one like me who simply stated(Jeet kune do is a gift.I can show you how to on the program we did,but,I cant sell the gift & you cant steal it or even copy was given to me & I will not explote it.)
As much as I admire/respect/love the man... when I read the topic-leading post... I had one word...

Bruce brought espect to beig chinese in his movies. A tv show would not be a bad thing. Far as Lamar. I never remember him saying he was certified by Inosanto or Wong. He trys to keep the 3 phases Seattle Oakland and LA to have the steps of What became JKD. Zee Lo I believe he has changed the name as to what he trains Others have too Because of the JKD politics. I would not bad mouth either person. JKD must have a future politics need to be set aside. Lamar can show his certifacation It can be verified. people trust him. And people dont. because of politics. Can he instruct JKD YES he can Each person JKD will be different What is instructed is the core Liberate it its yours I think Lamar deserves credit for what he does Others do to. Lets train and learn and forget JKD politics.
monkey said:
Get the title of this one,Combat Mortal.Were a person has to fight his way to Mortal Combat.Maybe stuff like that helped push it over the edge.
Did you check the box office in the ad for this one. Said it grossed 0.02 million. If my math is OK, that's $20,000. Not exactly a barn burner.
You can go to Zee Lo Jeet Kune do & see him run from a 45 cal. being fired many times.Lots of aound effects-some track running-1 arm form dummy & calls it wood dummy training.

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