Bruce Lee, Globalization and the Case of Wing Chun - an Article from Kung Fu Tea

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
I came across this over on RSF

Bruce Lee, Globalization and the Case of Wing Chun: Why do Some Chinese Martial Arts Grow?

You do not have to be involved with the Chinese martial arts for very long to discover that Wing Chun has the potential to be a highly polarizing topic of conversation. Those within in the Wing Chun community have an almost evangelical zeal for their art and are generally ready to hold forth with a long exposition on the brilliance of the system. Of course all martial artists are dedicated to their styles. It takes a lot of devotion to do anything for decades. But there are a handful of styles (Wing Chun, MMA, Taijiquan) that seem to encourage such a high degree of enthusiasm that it becomes a virtual Ā“world view.Ā”

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