Bruce Lee 50 year Anniversary

Fifty years later and still talked about. He must have done something right.
Yes, Bruce Lee must have done something right. His name and image have lasted the test of time. Unfortunately, his own longevity was not so. Enter the Dragon was a movie with great appeal, but my favorite has always been the Big Boss 💪
Yes, Bruce Lee must have done something right. His name and image have lasted the test of time. Unfortunately, his own longevity was not so. Enter the Dragon was a movie with great appeal, but my favorite has always been the Big Boss 💪
I always liked Return of the Dragon as the most fun Bruce Lee movie.
Bruce Lee is one of the most famous people buried in a cemetery just next to Volunteer Park in Seattle. I'm not aware of any special events in Seattle to commemorate the 50th anniversary. Maybe I just missed them.
Fifty years later and still talked about. He must have done something right.
His success on the screen and in MA was due to his incredible ambition and drive. This was his secret power. He worked very hard to get to the top in both despite the uphill battle against conservative gung fu masters and anti-Asian producers (He never got credit for originating the Kung Fu television series). Yet, he still played a tremendous part in popularizing MA in the West.