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Hey can we pay with Monopoly Money? Since the information has the same value?
Can I ask a serious question? Why is it that every one of these groups have pictures of their founders holding a katana like it is a baseball bat? I understand that they are idiots, but come on? How stupid can somebody actually be?
Since when is there a limit on stupidity? The poses are there for people impressed by shiny objects, posed by people to stupid to realize the whole world (including guys/gals who know how to use a sword) is looking
My wife(a kenjustu instructor) and I always get a kick out of people trying to imitate samurai. They are the very image of the Wal-mart Samurai.

I guess that there is no limit to stupidity, but I am always amazed at how people come up with new levels.
could somebody post a picture of a correct grip on a katana, please :)
Mark Weiser said:
The question then is this if the Organization is defunct or closed then he can no longer at least ethical display those certs due to they the certs are no longer vaild and would not be recongized by another school or association.
It seems reasonable to me to still display them. Remy Presas is gone but I still have my certificates from him, throug the IMAF which has sicne bifurcated.

I loved the EF's message about hassles...what a joke!
Mr. Calkins previously made a claim of holding an IKKA blackbelt, issued by Robert Koch. To prove his point, he send in scans of his certificates, membership cards, and said to contact them.

Mr. Calkins stated that they had taught together, that he was their youth instructor.

Mr. Calkins said "Ask Them."

So, I did.

I don't like doing this. Mr. Koch is a client of mine. I try very hard to ensure that those I do business with are honorable people. I don't like going up to people and saying "Hey, this friend of yours is really in the hot seat, and said X. Is it true?"

Here are the facts as I was told tonight by several individuals at the school. This is the short version.
- According to those at the school, Mr. Calkins is known to them.
- He did teach for them briefly, prior to 1999 when he left.
- He visits on occation, but is not now nor has he been for a while considered an instructor there.
- His Kenpo Black Belt was probatory, not full. It is not considered currently valid.

This as well as a prior conversation this past weekend with another individual familiar with Mr. Calkins has forced me to the conclusion that he is less a "martial arts master", and more an "eccentric uncle who you smile at while hoping they don't hurt themselves".

At this time, the ONLY rank he seems to hold is his Eagle Federation Sokeship.
Based on now debunked tales, self-printed certificates, and expired paper, it appears to be worth little if anything.

I feel sorry for those effected by this. When you leave out the need for acceptance, and to be seen as an innovator, Mr. Calkins reportedly does have some good raw ability. Unfortunately, it is lost in his need to impress, and need for acceptance. If he could swallow his pride, spend a few years in a real school, he could in fact become a real leader.

I'm sorry Bruce. Be careful what you ask for, for you may just get it.
could somebody post a picture of a correct grip on a katana, please :)
Hee hee. :D

excellent, thanks!

hey I notice that guy is soke, too! I wonder if the Eagle Federation would certify him...
DavidCC said:
could somebody post a picture of a correct grip on a katana, please :)
You can watch James Williams of the Dojo of Four Winds here. Note that he has a wide grip. Even the katana he sells on the Bugei forum have long tsukas.

Some styles have a wider grip, and some have a close grip. The JSA style I practice - Yagyu Shinkage Ryu - uses a close grip.
I looked for the Eagle Fed website, but it looks like its all gone.

Empty nest?
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