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Black Belt
Sep 18, 2004
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Mr.Calkins I am starting this in hopes that we can post our questions to you here and possibly get the answers we are all looking for. This is not meant to be a place to bash Mr.Calkins but to post our qustions in some sort of order hopefully. I know you have posted numerous answers and I would like to thank you for that but the answers seem to be scattered about the diffrent threads and I believe some of them may have been lost. You know that I am no fan of your title issued by an american council, your self-promoted rank, or your self-created style. But I am willing to discuss things with you. So let's kick this off shall we.

What is your traing history and the dates of training and promotion dates as well? I would like to know more about your system and its philosophy. Also what are the forms that you teach? Who do you claim as your lineage? You claim to have trained in japan I believe under who and when?

let's start here shall we and we can gradually add to this.

domo arigato
Mr. Calkins I have tried to see the positive from you so here goes what made you begain your own style, when was it stated and what are the basis of it. On a personal note you have been in MA almost as long as me and how long have you stayed with one Style. Last but not least who is your mentor in MA.
terryl965 said:
Mr. Calkins I have tried to see the positive from you so here goes what made you begain your own style, when was it stated and what are the basis of it..
My style was set up to open to all styles. I have always enjoyed Mixed MA so with all of my training I blended the styles and techniques to make a street effective art. Using the contact of Sticky Hand and Multi movements of Kenpo, Along with the Steady satnces of Tsunami-Ryu and the Power adapting of Aikido I had my start. We try to keep in constant contact and control the other person. This way you could use things like Sticky Hands to defend if Blind or if your sight is hindered. I studied Iron Shirt Qi-Kung be cause I didn't like to hurt people. I am a Licenced Executive Security Officer in NY and also a Body Guard. I wanted the ability to taks a punch or kick with little or no effect so My Anger didnt take over from the pain. Now I can get his and still keep my composure. Sure I like the tricks you can do like bending rebar with your adams apple or having 2x4s broken over areas of your body but it's not like that Combat Ki stuff where you have to get ready for the hit. You are just ready all the time. If you look at my pics on the site I look big... But I assure you it's not fat.. No matter how it looks. I have a very hard Ab and upper body. I also have 29 inch Thighs and a 22 inch neck. All solid.
So much of what I teach is about Positive attitude and walking away I try to get my students able to get control of the other guy without having to Punch or Kick Him and when we do we use the ideal that "A Kick Above The Waist is a Waist." I feel that you can deliver more balanced Power in the lower range. I know that power can be generated higher but in my opinion you lose Balance and stbility.

terryl965 said:
On a personal note you have been in MA almost as long as me and how long have you stayed with one Style. .
The Longest was Yami-Umi-Do Or Tsunami-Ryu These systems were based on Isshin-Ryu & Shotokan. The Instructors were Mark Wagner and David Mason. Both were students and Instructore with Joe Jennings while he was in the Rochester Area, Before he moved to Calf. I was in this style for 11 years. I entered the style with pryor training in Shaolin Kung-Fu from Master Lei Tai Soong of Toledo Oh. Aikido from Matser Tamio Kamura of Ft' Lauderdale Fl. and training in Ninjitsu from Mr. David Frost. In 1995 I met Sensei Bob Koch and trained in IKKA Kenpo with him. He was working with Mr. Paul Mills and then started working with Kyoshi Robert Austin of Bolder Co. I still work with Bob and enjoy being his student. I was his senior Youth Instructor when he first moved to Alden NY.

terryl965 said:
Last but not least who is your mentor in MA.
This is a Blend I would have to name several... Sensei Bob Koch, Kyoshi Robert Austin,, Master Ed Parker, Soke Hatsumi and Soke Angi Uezu. This is hard because there are so many others... I have met so many artist in my life and I am impressed with everyone of them in a way. I call all the students of the Martial Arts in Every Style my mentors. Because they are all driving to the dream.

I hope this answers your questions...:asian:
Thank you for your answer, on another note who granted you your Soke ship. I myself is a 4th Dan in WTF TKD and study under Gin Kim in California before that my Father was my Instructor in Okinawa Karate. I'm not trrying to start an agrument but I really do not understand how one becomes a Soke, I look forward to your answers.
When I created the system I just started contacting Sokeship councils... I wanted one that did more than just charge a fee and send you a certificate. I looked into several then I found Eagle Federation and they wanted Resumes Manuals, Videos.... and a on line interview. I was intreeged and I had already been honored by the WCMAA and after they were done they offered the final Sokeship. I know that some names on there are questionable but 99% are not. and This is what I was looking for. i have also been listed with several other World MArtial Arts Assoc. and Instructor Pages. I just recently was asked to join the ranks in a group from MArtial Arts Photography Soon to be poste with greats Like Dr. Ashida of Judo, Sensei Robert Koch of Kenpo and Sensei Hutch of 7 Tigers in Buffalo. I was honored to ad my name ant information about my style. along with training techniques and soon some basic Videos of my teaching.
Mr.Calkins thank you for your response to some of the questions however I will ask about yout training time in japan again. I look forward to your response.
I visited Japan and Visited some Dojo when I was young.. I never did formal training in Japan.. I will be going to Gingasa Temple in Tibet soon I hope with Sifu/Lama David Moore. He has invited me to go the next trip. mabye next fall.
SokeCalkins said:
When I created the system I just started contacting Sokeship councils... I wanted one that did more than just charge a fee and send you a certificate. I looked into several then I found Eagle Federation and they wanted Resumes Manuals, Videos.... and a on line interview. I was intreeged and I had already been honored by the WCMAA and after they were done they offered the final Sokeship. I know that some names on there are questionable but 99% are not. and This is what I was looking for. i have also been listed with several other World MArtial Arts Assoc. and Instructor Pages. I just recently was asked to join the ranks in a group from MArtial Arts Photography Soon to be poste with greats Like Dr. Ashida of Judo, Sensei Robert Koch of Kenpo and Sensei Hutch of 7 Tigers in Buffalo. I was honored to ad my name ant information about my style. along with training techniques and soon some basic Videos of my teaching.
Did they test you in person?
Did they work with you in person?
Was it all done on the net?
I just recently was asked to join the ranks in a group from MArtial Arts Photography Soon to be poste with greats Like Dr. Ashida of Judo, Sensei Robert Koch of Kenpo and Sensei Hutch of 7 Tigers in Buffalo. I was honored to ad my name ant information about my style. along with training techniques and soon some basic Videos of my teaching.

Mr.Calkins I would encourage you to seriously reconsider this organization. I know nothing about them but can you not see what is happening. Why do you think they contacted you? Because you have a new style that will revolutionize the martial arts? No because they are money hungry and are promotion mills! For your sake I would look deeper into this!
Just a small correction:
MartialArtsPhotography isn't an organization, it's a photo gallery of martial artists. They are also a sponsor of MT.
In the words of the late great Chris Farley "Well don't I just feel like a horses A**). My deepest apologies I should have looked deeper into the sight but I hope you understand where my frustration is coming from.

Apologies to our sponsor!
Not a Problem friend.. I just wish more people on here would realize that I have looked into the groups I have joined. I joined this forum because it is listed on my good friend Bob Kochs Web. I felt it would be an open minded enjoyable forum... I have found that many of the posters are not this way. Hopefully thing will change. Lord knows I can't do any more...
Licenced Executive Security Officer--this is actually a state license that you have, like those given to licensed attorneys, certified social workers, professional engineers, registered architects, and so on? I wasn't aware that such a licensing category existed!

As to Soke Angi Uezu, are you sure he uses Soke? I couldn't find any hits for the following exact phrases:

Soke Angi Uezu
Soke Uezu
Angi Uezu Soke
Uezu Soke

save that the last two came back with exactly two web pages that contained the phrase "Angi Uezu, Soke Tatsuo Shimabuku" i.e. it was a coincidence. Even Soke Tatsuo Shimabuku gets many fewer hits than just Tatsuo Shimabuku. I don't think he considered himself a Soke--for one thing, he would have thought of himself as Ryukuan, I imagine, not truly Japanese.
SokeCalkins said:
I visited Japan and Visited some Dojo when I was young.. I never did formal training in Japan.. I will be going to Gingasa Temple in Tibet soon I hope with Sifu/Lama David Moore. He has invited me to go the next trip. mabye next fall.
Tibet... nice place. You may want to work on your cardio-vascular conditioning. It's not the easiest place in the world to breath.

Where will you be flying into?
I was in Isshin ryu for a long time and did a lot of research into its history.

Never once saw Soke... Except used towards Tatsuo Shimabuku, and even then not by anyone that had ever even been to Okinawa...

In fact I don't think I have ever seen a Okinawan Karate instructor / founder refered to as "Soke" by anything coming out of Okinawa. Style Founders sometimes get "O'sensei" but never "Soke"...
I too studied Isshin-ryu for some while (3 years). My instructor and his instructor spoke of Mr. Uezu often. I never heard him or the founder referred to as Soke.
clfsean said:
Tibet... nice place. You may want to work on your cardio-vascular conditioning. It's not the easiest place in the world to breath.

Where will you be flying into?
How true.

Respiratory system has to be in top form.

My friend whom is a Collegiate Professor on Eastern Religions, esp Buddhism, has traveled there in his earlier years/study.

Who you get there take photos and post them here.
47MartialMan said:
How true.

Respiratory system has to be in top form.
It doesn't hurt any but it still won't prevent a pulmonary embolism if it decides to pop up.

47MartialMan said:
Who you get there take photos and post them here.
Huh?? Are you asking if I'll post pics of me in Tibet? Sure. I'll load them out over the weekend & provide a web address. I don't have any of them scanned right now.
clfsean said:
Huh?? Are you asking if I'll post pics of me in Tibet? Sure. I'll load them out over the weekend & provide a web address. I don't have any of them scanned right now.
Not you I was speaking to Mr calkins whom wrote;

I will be going to Gingasa Temple in Tibet soon I hope with Sifu/Lama David Moore

But of you have any, I love looking at personal pics of far away places
arnisador said:
Licenced Executive Security Officer--this is actually a state license that you have, like those given to licensed attorneys, certified social workers, professional engineers, registered architects, and so on? I wasn't aware that such a licensing category existed!

As to Soke Angi Uezu, are you sure he uses Soke? I couldn't find any hits for the following exact phrases:

Soke Angi Uezu
Soke Uezu
Angi Uezu Soke
Uezu Soke

save that the last two came back with exactly two web pages that contained the phrase "Angi Uezu, Soke Tatsuo Shimabuku" i.e. it was a coincidence. Even Soke Tatsuo Shimabuku gets many fewer hits than just Tatsuo Shimabuku. I don't think he considered himself a Soke--for one thing, he would have thought of himself as Ryukuan, I imagine, not truly Japanese.
I'm not exactly sure the full title But like "Nidai Soke" The title for Tatsuo is "Shodai Soke"... Nidai Soke is used as the one who takes over the system after the founder passes
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