Brown Belts

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Originally posted by GouRonin

I find I am much happier without rank, 'cause I ain't rank.

So do you no longer acknowledge your brown in AK since your opposed to rank? Does Systema follow the JKD method in terms of phase 1,2,3,4..etc.. instructors or is it set up a different way? Also at the rate your training with Vlad when would you be considered at a full instructor level? As we know AK varies from 5 to 20 yrs to get black or one year depending on who you study under (just a joke) .

Great questions. all deserving of an answer.

Originally posted by jbkenpo
So do you no longer acknowledge your brown in AK since your opposed to rank?

I was actually awarded a black belt based on video I sent to someone to see where I stood. I do not wear that rank. I do not recognize it. I could should I chose to. I don't. When I go to seminars etc I wear the rank of brown. It's the only belt I ever really got that I care for because it was given to me by friends I respect. I only wear a belt when at seminars in EPAK because they ask that I wear something. I prefer to work out in whatever is comfortable. I spent 7+ years wearing a gi for EPAK and it's not breaking my heart to not have to wear one to work out in.

Originally posted by jbkenpo
Does Systema follow the JKD method in terms of phase 1,2,3,4..etc.. instructors or is it set up a different way?

In systema you either instruct or you do not. In fact though, everyone teaches everyone what they know. It's a collective class with one leader. There used to be instructor certification but Vlad as far as I know does not do that much anymore. He just tells you where you are and if you can teach.

Originally posted by jbkenpo
Also at the rate your training with Vlad when would you be considered at a full instructor level?

When he says I am. I just work hard and he'll let me know when I am ready, if ever.

Originally posted by jbkenpo
As we know AK varies from 5 to 20 yrs to get black or one year depending on who you study under (just a joke)

I spent 7+ years working in Kenpo, 4 schools that either closed on me, kicked me out, or I left. That doesn't include the added private instruction I got. That means I had to start over again at white belt at least 4 times. To my distain I got my black in one moment. I was happier, at least dealing with politics, when I was boxing before I ever heard of Kenpo. Since then I have blown out into many other arts crosstraining in EVERYTHING I can get my hands on. I find the arts that do it for me are the ones where you "don't have to show the rank, you just have to go on the floor."

So I don't care about rank. I want material. I'll roll onto the floor with almost anyone, anywhere, at anytime if I can.
Originally posted by GouRonin

I spent 7+ years working in Kenpo, 4 schools that either closed on me, kicked me out, or I left.

I wanna hear THOSE stories! Especially where you got kicked
Originally posted by Goldendragon7
No you don't. Some things are better off not said.

I have to agree. Some dogs are best left to lie sleeping.
Originally posted by nightingale8472

where it gets really confusing is that some kenpo schools do match stripes with belts, and some don't.

If I walk into my old school, I'm a first brown (one stripe).

and now, in my new school, I'm a third brown (one stripe), but same rank... sigh... confusing...


Before Seig and I went I.K.K.O our school used 3 stripes for 3rd Brown.. 2 for 2nd.. 1 for 1st Brown.. So I've gone from 3 stripes as a 3rd degree brown.. 2.. .. and back to 3 stripes again~!!

Fortunately the Cirriculum is down in black and white... and we hand out the Iron on stripes at promotions..

Out of abstract interest, do you guys tend to use electrical tape for stripes as I do, or go to the trouble of sewing cloth onto the belt?

Tape has always been fine in the past, but I've been a 1st brown for so long now I think it may have lost its stickyness and needs replacing! lol!

We used to use tape, but I disliked it. We went to iron on stripes, which are ok. They do not look bad and they seem to hold up well. My emminent teacher, Mr.C is next going to work with me with the cloth material and show me how to use that. Once we have that resolved, we are probably going to switch again. It seems to be a more professional approach.
that tape would be fine. The reason I say this is because a student normally doesn't spend yrs. at one belt level. When passing the next belt level hang them up on the wall and start again. Now if it's black I wouldn't use tape at all (me personally). I went without stripes until my last promotion. Let me tell you though sewing stripes on is absolutely hard. I'm pretty particular when it comes to the stripes being even. Measuring, moving this in the right spot, the other side moving, pins the whole thing is tedious. It took me about 1.5 - 2 hrs. per stripe. Once agian I'm no professional at it but it was hard nonetheless.
Ok, I can see we need a lesson on Belt stripes 101! :rofl:

Hey.......... even as a lower belt you can have pride in what you earned and wear even if it is just for a few months each (it still is time spent in your overall journey). (tape is yucky...... ) but it does do and is quick (I guess it depends if you want to be tacky or not) **giggle** many do use it and it is no big deal... but I don't personally like it.

I don't mind the use of electrical tape on "lower" belt ranks. It doesn't look *that* bad and it is quick and easy. Except for those instructors who insist on giving out stripes every mounth. Then the student's belts look like this nasty mass of gooey tape... For brown and up though I think something better looking than tape is apropriate. Although I know a few people who don't wear any stripes and do the tape thing just for their promotions which is cool.
personally, when I achieve a stripe (on my brand new yellow belt, which my instructor claims to have ordered for me), I'm going to get it embroidered, because I think tape looks tacky on any rank. Besides, its sticky.
I used Bias Tape - found at a fabric shop, and the iron on hem adhesive. Iron on one side of the belt, continue around and get the other side, then again on the 1st side, that way if it starts peeling off, you still have a complete stripe showing. At Black I have mine and my student's embroidered.

Originally posted by jfarnsworth

that tape would be fine. The reason I say this is because a student normally doesn't spend yrs. at one belt level. When passing the next belt level hang them up on the wall and start again. Now if it's black I wouldn't use tape at all (me personally). I went without stripes until my last promotion. Let me tell you though sewing stripes on is absolutely hard. I'm pretty particular when it comes to the stripes being even. Measuring, moving this in the right spot, the other side moving, pins the whole thing is tedious. It took me about 1.5 - 2 hrs. per stripe. Once agian I'm no professional at it but it was hard nonetheless.
Learn to use a sewing machine, makes life a lot easier. When I was a senior in high school, I had to fill my schedule with a bunch of elective credits. I only had one required class that year. So, I signed up for sewing. My Dad said to me, "Only girls take sewing!" I asked him what the downside was. Well, due to a wonderful teacher that I love to this day, 15 years later, in spite of myself, I learned. So now, when something around here needs sewing, I do it.
Originally posted by nightingale8472

personally, when I achieve a stripe (on my brand new yellow belt, which my instructor claims to have ordered for me), I'm going to get it embroidered, because I think tape looks tacky on any rank. Besides, its sticky.
My sister ordered an embroidered black belty for me on my last birthday. While it is not ugly, it is not my favorite. The stripes are extremely thin and close together. It does not go with the Kenpo dictates for belt stripe width or placement.
Originally posted by Seig

Learn to use a sewing machine, makes life a lot easier. When I was a senior in high school, I had to fill my schedule with a bunch of elective credits. I only had one required class that year. So, I signed up for sewing. My Dad said to me, "Only girls take sewing!" I asked him what the downside was. Well, due to a wonderful teacher that I love to this day, 15 years later, in spite of myself, I learned. So now, when something around here needs sewing, I do it.

My wife's sewing machine broke 3 needles on my belt. :( Now I'm in debt to her since now she doesn't have any more needles to do her own stuff. That's when I decided I had to do it by hand.:mad:
you need to use a needle that is specifically for quilting or leatherwork. I use a leather or denim needle if I need to do any stitching on my gi or belt, and it works fine. Regular needles will break. The leather or denim needles are thicker and usually made of steel, so they're a little more expensive, but well worth it.

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