Broke my own nose last night. Good technique eh?


Blue Belt
Last night I was at my class and had had a takedown demonstrated on me by my instructor. I then started to practice the takedown on one of the new students. I can't really describe it, but it essentially involved my arm round the back of his head and him going forward and down. Anyway, took him down but he forward rolled and his heel whacked me full bore in the side of the nose.

There was a massive crunch and when I put my hand up, my nose was on my right cheek. I grabbed it and crunched it back to a forward position and there was an almighty explosion of blood everywhere. Now my nose looks like a banana. The hospital said they can't reset it for a week til the swelling goes, in fact I was told it's possible that it can't be shifted as I have already crunched it back as far as I could so I might just have to live with looking wonky. Roll on monday when I find out!

I can't believe how much blood there was, it didn't stop bleeding for 6 hours. I think it was probably a bad break. And all this with one of the new white belt students and me being nidan... Rather embarrassing and more importantly painful! Entirely my fault for messing it up. What a pain, literally!

So has anyone here ever had their nose reset and how bad is it? I don't really want to know in a way as I'm dreading rods and hammers etc but I am curious.

I should digress - I've never had a facial break that bad. My husband broke his jaw in three places, however, and I know that titanium plates can be used for thicker bone. So if your cheek or occipital bones is/are broken (and it sounds like a possibility), they may be able to just filet between your gum and upper lip ... though I'm not *positive* about that.

I recommend you see a maxillofacial surgeon as soon as possible if you haven't already and if you can without a referral, or ask for a referral to one.

I hope someone else here can help you more and that you heal quickly and completely.

Good luck!
I've had my nose broken twice (once from getting "smushed" in BJJ) and the second time a few months after with an elbow strike.

In your specific case, I'd say that's a pretty good reminder to always check when you put someone down :D

hope it heals w/o any problems.
I know you will always remember this and look back later in years and laugh abiout it.
It was, I am sure, a learning experence
Do almosts count?? A good buddy was showing me backfist strikes and how to defeat them and we were both a little intox..Thankfully when he launched his attack and he realized that I was not going to be able to block it correctly he opened his fist at the last second..Broke my sunglasses and received 2 cuts on the side of my nose from the little pieces that rest on your nose..
Ah well, accidents happen I guess. It was my fault but I still don't really know exactly what I did wrong when I did the takedown. I'll have to get it shown to me again next week, this time though, I think I'll try and keep my face out of the way of flailing legs. I wonder if I hurt his heel with my nose...?

The only thing is, we're putting on a demo soon, I'm going to walk on stage with a busted nose and 2 black eyes, everyone's going to think I'm a nutter. Or possibly just a crap fighter!
New student? Take down? Nose busted beyond all recognition? Sounds like a great night to me!

Seriously though, the nose does get rather abused when grappling sometimes, I can't tell you how many times I've been kicked in the snot locker by over zealous sparring partners while passing the guard...
Been there and done that a couple of times and have the bump on my nose to prove it. Really think of it as not such a big deal but more of a coming of age.
Boy you arenÂ’t just whistling Dixie when you say that there is a lot of blood when you reset a broken nose. I learned a valuable lesson while I was in the service, stand to the side or have a taller friend sit down before straightening broken noses.

You are lucky, you learned two valuable lessons that you are not likely to forget anytime soon. One is how to do the takedown correctly and what happens when you don’t. The heel to the nose answered the ‘but why’ and the ‘what if’ questions that often come with new movements. Not only the why it should be done this a way has been answered but what to do if somebody does the technique to you the way that you did to the white belt has also been answered. Now you just need to practice it a few times.

The white belt now better understands what a kick to the face can do and has now seen the bloody proof. I bet that he will not soon forget the bloody lesson even if it was taught at your expense LOL funny how some of the best lessons learned can be at others expense.

For myself I often learn best when making mistakes. I figure my long time buddy Murphy is always around the corner and that practicing making things work after I mess them up, learning to work thru the pain will only help me if I ever again need to do the work for ‘real’ cause sure as shooting Murphy will be there right from the start to the finish.

There is a MMA UFC champion (or was a champion until recently) Rich Franklin or something like that. Every time he seemed to fight or do an interview he seemed to have a black eye or two and that fighter Forrest always seems a little beat up. I do not reckon many laughs at them or consider their skills the less for the markings. Their and your badges were earned honestly. Sides what was that line from the movies “the Replacements” Chicks dig scars or something like that.

Good Luck
Warmest Regards
Brian King
like stated earlier OWCH! Sorry to hear bout that! Accidents happen. excuse the pun, i have gone through the school of hard nocks. its a great way to learn.

I've had one of my front teeth bent backwards by a elbow attack during sparring. I straitend it with my thumbs, went home, and showed my wife. She was not impressed. Fortunatly the nerves were not dead so my tooth didn't turn black.

It's a real hazard when you do alot of contact, and takedowns have lots of contact.

I've been looking into a local Golden Gloves gym to play in. My wife worries about me getting a broken nose. Life to so short to worry to much about these things.

Get well Pete, and next time maybe a helmet with face shield (I have one!)


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