Brining Methods?

I wouldn't count discoloration as an injury. Dermititis would be. I wonder what level of exposure that would take. At a tannery, they'd be in contact with it all day if they didn't use PPE.
It doesn't cause permanent injury, provided the tanic acid is sufficiently week. About the same roughly as vinegar or urine.

You're not trying to get an acid burn on your skin. You're trying to promote a chemical change in the upper layers which makes the skin thicker and less elastic. As long as you don't die or damage the epidermis beyond its ability to heal, then your skill will grow. It's a little like what happens to callouses which aren't "maintained."

Peace favor your sword,
if you didnt want tan coloured hands and lets face it not many peole do, its an injury, a self inflicted injury perhaps, but still an injury

at tanneries they dont want tan coliyred hands so they wear ppe
So if you're fine with tan colored hands, then it's not an injury?
So if you're fine with tan colored hands, then it's not an injury?
well it depends, i suppose, if you happy with one ear, is cutting the other one of an injury, if your happy cuttibg yourself up is that an injury, you may conclude yes, and the fact they dobt means they have mental issues

at work its an injury, if your happy or not is largely irrelevant, if you did it on purpise id sack you on the spot, the same as i woud if i caught you sniffing solvent, which also makes you happy

at home irs a value judgement, and if you have no values or jugement you might conclude, its a good look,

if its an unwanted by product of toughenibg your hands, then its an injury again, even if your daft enough to do knowing what will happen and still do it, then its still unwanted and therefore an injury

and thats with out even consideribg the inevtable skin damage, which will always be an injury
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It doesn't cause permanent injury, provided the tanic acid is sufficiently week. About the same roughly as vinegar or urine.

You're not trying to get an acid burn on your skin. You're trying to promote a chemical change in the upper layers which makes the skin thicker and less elastic. As long as you don't die or damage the epidermis beyond its ability to heal, then your skill will grow. It's a little like what happens to callouses which aren't "maintained."

Peace favor your sword,
so lets get the clear, what solution of acid are you saying is safe, saying the same as vinegar, is nonsence as that comes in different concentrations, as strangly does urine and how the hell would any mixibg it know, unless they had lab equipment?
It's not any more injurious than callouses. Only the tannic acid turns the skin brown. Many commercially available tannic acid powders are actually a very light tan color.

Peace favor your sword,
have you any studies/ medical opinions showing its safe in the does required to toughen skin, which you havent as yet specified,
.ive seen several saying its a potenial cause of organ damage