New Batch Bare-knuckle fight and Technique videos 5/1


Yellow Belt
New Batch Bare-knuckle fight and Technique videos 5/1

I just put up a fresh batch of bare-knuckle fight videos

All the fight videos have been moved to the Lethwei page. For those that have seen the others these are GROUP # 3
The technique videos are up on the technique page and are all new I took the old ones down.We now have over 50 min of video on the site with over 30 min of actual fight footage.

I am looking for feedback on what people think. Do you enjoy watching the footage? What do you think of the fights? What ones do you like best etc. Should I continue adding Video to the site in the future?

A little info about the Matches

In depth info such as rules are up on the page itself. The fights are edited down as some are very long but are left in tact to give a good feel for the fights

Lethwei Group 1 ----These are vintage high-lights of different village matches from the early eighties. Matches like these go on at festivals. Fighters are amateur. My original tape quality was not very good.

Lethwei Group 2-----These Matches are more recent and were held outside Rangoon/Yangon in the early 90's. These are mid-level regional fights. The tape quality of the originals was best of the groups.

Lethwei Group 3 *( NEW BATCH ) *---These matches were sponsored by the government and held in Thuwana stadium in June of 2000. This is one of the higher level Government sponsored events. Quality of original tape was not very good.

I hope you enjoy them




Phil Dunlap

The video 's are wmv. files so if you are having trouble viewing them just go to media viewer and download the latest viewer

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