Originally posted by Seig
When I was at my heaviest, I used people like this for a technique I created and called the Falling Fat Man Def- Two handed choke.
1.) Hop back with both feet while simulataneously executing a palm heel strike to each elbow.
2.) Without any loss of momentum travel up and back down striking the radial nerves with outward hand swords (palms up).
3.) Bouncing off the forearms do a double claw to the face with the thumbs entering the eye sockets.
4.) Retract your hands and bounce off your chest into a double punch to the attackers chest/solar plexus.
5.) Step forward with the right foot and place your hands at the junction of the lumbar/cocyx region. Placing your thumb between the vertebrae, pull the attacker into a bear hug and lean forward, making sure the crown of you head is tucked under the chin as you fall forward.