I'm pretty new to boxing with around 2 months of experience.
My friend (the one I've been sparring against) has around 4 months of experience (so a bit more).
We've both been introduced to boxing by a friend who has already boxed for a long time who I'm not even able to touch when sparring.
What is the ideal boxing shape? I'll try to loosen up a bit, I'll see if that helps.
We are sometimes at a boxing gym but most of the time we just meet up on our own after school
Two most important things - have fun, and be careful you don't hurt each other.
I know how you feel about not being able to touch your opponent when sparring. I remember those days well.
Keep this in mind - years from now there's a good chance you will be the one a newbie won't be able to touch.
When you can box pretty well, it's easy not to let a less experienced person get anywhere. You more than likely have a lot of "tells". We all did.
Switch up the way you box. Sometimes, go all defensive. But go defensive by movement rather than by trying to block or parry your partner's punches. A good way to do this is the age old adage - "when he moves, you move." (Just don't move the same way every time or you'll run into hook punches)
By moving when he does - it will give you an opportunity to study, and mentally record by repetition, the way the body moves when it's boxing. You'll be surprised what you can pick up.
Your friend who's boxed for a long time, is he helping you with your footwork, movement etc? If so, give it time.
It would help if your buddy can teach you how to bob and weave. And duck - not from bending at the waist, but by bending the knees. I would also help a lot if you guys could work with focus mitts.
If there's a decent boxing gym near you, signing up for just a few months will change everything for you. It will teach you how to train on your own, you and your buddies. NOTHING beats proper instruction, though. It's how you learn the basics.
Are you guys wearing mouthpieces when you spar?