The dangerous sport of boxing should be purged from the Commonwealth and Olympic Games, AMA President, Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, said today.
As Melbourne and the nation bask in post-Commonwealth Games glory, Dr Haikerwal says now is the time to ban boxing well before the next Olympic Games in Beijing, China, in 2008, and the next Commonwealth Games in New Delhi, India, in 2010.
A competition in which the winner is determined either by delivering a greater number of blows to his opponent or by literally knocking his opponent senseless is no sport, Dr Haikerwal says.
Boxing has damaging health effects, both immediate and over the longer term. The potential for serious injury was evident in some of the mis-matched bouts at the Melbourne Games.
International events based on a spirit of goodwill - such as Olympic and Commonwealth Games - are no place for interpersonal violence and injury.
Boxing has been an Olympic Sport officially since 1908. The Australian Medical Association has been lobbying for a ban on Boxing in the Olympics since 1983 because of the death rates.
My question is, after reading this news release and the high amount of deaths directly related to boxing around the world, do you believe that boxing does not emulae the spirit of goodwill that the games personify? Do you agree with the proposed ban and if this does happen what other sports will be banned next?