I enjoy kickboxing but the doctors haven't mentioned that yet, that may even be more violent than MMA (depending on what rules are used) MT allows elbows which can be devastating in the damage they cause.
Full MT rules are brutal- but it is the choice of the fighter. Of course elbows can be damaging. Soon I plan to train to get in the ring- I don't want some politician or journalist sitting there telling me it is barbaric and I can't do that! And I can't wait to use my elbows, and have them used on me!!!
I'm baffled as to what angle these people are coming from? I mean they could argue that (from what I have read and heard):
1. The sport risks serious injury to participants
2. The sport is barbaric, it is fought in a cage
3. The contestants lives are at risk
4. It is distasteful in todays 'civilised' society
5. We don't need extra violence in this society
6. People shouldn't be allowed to make money off of people's need for 'bloodlust' and violence
But here are my answers to their reasoning. And how illogical some of their arguments are!!!
1. Yes it risks injury. So does rugby, football, surfing....hell all sports do. People choose to do it, let them have the choice. Death comes to all of us, why hide from it on our couch eating potato chips?
2. Is it barbaric? To some maybe, to others it is a highly skilled battle between 2 warriors whom have trained their heart out to get to that point. Yes it is in a cage (sometimes)!!! So what is your point?
3. Yes, but many safeguards are in place to ensure the safety of the fighters. And they aren't actually there to kill each other, regardless of what some people say. And all the arugements from point #1 apply to this point too!!!
4. Distasteful to some, not to others. Is todays society civilised? Ok, of course it is. That's why our politicians live filthy rich lives off our taxes, while we all bust our asses off to make a living. Hell, some people live in absolute poverty, whilst others wipe their asses with money coz they are so rich.
5. No extra violence? Ok, stop sending our troops to war then.
6. Isn't that why governments do when they go to war? What about filmmakers? I remember Arnie in Predator and Terminator. People watched those films to watch him kill people and blow up things. Where there is a demand, someone will supply. It is free-market economics. Or aren't we free markets anymore?
I've been thinking about this issue again. Just trying to see where the other side is coming from, and I still cant fathom where they deduce their logic from!!!