boxing equipment workouts


Brown Belt
Does anyone here workout with boxing equipment, not just the heavy bag, which a lot of people do, but more specialized stuff, like double end bag, speed bag, jumping rope, medicine ball? There is a real trick to a lot of it and it takes a while to get a handle on some of it, in my opinion. Does it help you in your training, improve speed, balance, cardio? Which is most beneficial? Is it something everyone should do?
Medicine balls are so multi purpose it isn't funny, I highly recommend people try them out with some research/training and a few preset work outs firstl and then start creating your own stuff here and there.

Jump rope is good too. I have a cranky knee and find that for what ever reason I can jump rope even when running/jogging causes me some irritation. Great stuff for coordination, conditioning. I would definitely suggest that you try rope work on either a large piece of 3/4 inch plywood or an aerobic "impact absorbing" surface to reduce jarring over time. On my honeymoon, I took the jump rope and worked out on the deck and the activeness/springiness was even better than the board that I have at home, so that might be a good option if available.

Bags are bags. Heavy, speed, double, focus mitts.... I think there are plenty of people here who can make suggestions or discuss those. I like the double end bag because it is so unforgiving of mistakes but it is a timing bag not a power bag.
Look around your area and go to a gym. I've never seen a boxing gym that wasn't very helpful. Boxing is an excellent workout on nearly every level, but especially cardio. You'll learn how to punch very hard western style, too. It laid that foundation for my punching in escrima, and if you pay attention they use the hips quite often in each punch.

Boxing is a great foundational art for almost anything. It can stand alone quite well for most people. It's usually quite inexpensive to train in a gym. Should you be in a remote or rural area go to for videotapes that will show you the basics for the every day equipment that is used.
Boxing was actually what I learned before any Eastern Martial Art. My Sifu was the same way. So our equipment is what you just mentioned.

The speed bag is simply awesome. I think that it's one of the best tools you can find. After you use it and get good with it your awareness and peripheral(sp?) vision go up like 1000%. Not to mention anytime something gets thrown your way(a punch, a football, anything) your hands automatically go up to guard your face.

Focus mitts are good to kind of visualize your opponent and get an idea what you should be doing in between your combos and what not.

But seriously consider getting a speedbag. To me atleast boxing is THE way to throw your hands in martial arts.
lonecoyote said:
Does anyone here workout with boxing equipment, not just the heavy bag, which a lot of people do, but more specialized stuff, like double end bag, speed bag, jumping rope, medicine ball? There is a real trick to a lot of it and it takes a while to get a handle on some of it, in my opinion. Does it help you in your training, improve speed, balance, cardio? Which is most beneficial? Is it something everyone should do?
Yes, it is very important for a martial artist to do these things because it teaches them what its like to get hit, the medicine ball is a great way to condition your body to take a heavy hit. The jumping rope is also very important for cardio, cordination, rhythm, and foot work. It is very good for big guys to jump rope because it helps them to be light on there feet.
It is very important for a martial artist to train this way because the techniques you learn during boxing training are very practicle, and will teach you some good self defence rather quickly, while your slowly learning the martial arts, and that takes time before it is street effective.
Alot of martial arts schools train way to softly, and only teach the art. Thats why those dojo ballerinas get beat down in a real street fight. They need some hardcore training like boxing or kick boxing to toughen them up, and so they can learn to apply the techniques in full contact against someone who is not going to stop after you hit them only once, like point fighting.

Here is a picture of some of the guys and girls at my school doing our boxing routine after karate class.

We do boxing after every karate class. And everytime people from our school go to other dojos everyone is always impressed with how tough our students are, unlike alot of other gyms. Our guys are like the guys you will find at a boxing gym, only we train in karate also. Sanchin really helps condition the body to take hard blows also, but I dont have any pics of us doing that. I had welts and bruises on me for weeks after I tested for my black belt and had to do sanchin, I never would have made it through that kata if it were not for all the boxing training we do.

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