Cheap equipment tip

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Figured I'd share this, take it for what its worth...

Messing around in the garage today I came up with something you may or may not want to use.

I was doing shadowboxing drills, and was working up a nice sweat, but I just really felt like hitting something. As I train quite a bit at my school, I don't have a whole bunch of stuff at home to train with -- no heavy bag, speed bag, or anything like that. I'm also married with 4 kids, so i'm looking for good CHEAP stuff whenever I can.

Saw a grocery bag on the floor. I remember reading in a Mike Young column in BB a few years ago about training with a grocery bag. Really didn't feel like chasing around a bag all day, or hyperextending my elbows by air punching too excessively. I had some twine, duct tape, and a soccer ball in the garage, so I start thinking...

1. Put the soccer ball in the grocery bag.
2. Tie the bag handles together, but leave a loop on top of the bag.
3. Run the twine through the loop, run the loop over a beam.
4. Tie a loop around the beam with the twine.
5. Duct tape the top of the bag around a few times, and horizontally and vertically around the ball (make an "X").
6. Beat the hell out of the ball. Be sure to practice slipping when it returns or it will hit you back. Depending on the height you hang it, you can punch or kick it.

Works OK. Kind of like the crazy ball in the Ringside catalog that's something like 70 bucks. Cost me no money and about 5 minutes of time.

Unfortunately, I have to retape and replace the bag after almost every session. Also, hitting it with Kali sticks makes it degrade even faster. For Version 2, I'm going to the Sports Authority, getting a canvas type strap with a hook, and a mesh bag with a grommet. Put the ball in the bag, tie it up, and hang by the hook. The advantage is I can use different size bags and balls, depending on whether I'm working on speed, power, or evasion, and can switch them easier with the hook. Also, I can really hit the bag harder with my Kali sticks, which I am really looking forward to. :D This "deluxe model I figure will cost me about 20 bucks tops.

Please feel free to steal my idea if you want to. :)
Also, please post if you can think of any ways to improve it.
Correction: Step 3 should say "Tie the twine around the beam."

BTW, If you leave it as an open loop, it will move side to side, and you get to chase it more. If you tie it tight, it stays in one place (nice if you have limited room to let it swing).
When you go to Sports Authority look for a thing called a "soccer pal," it costs around $8. It is a mesh bag on the end of a bungie cord. Also buy another bungie cord. Attach them together and voila, a cheap double end bag. The mesh bag lets you change out the size of the ball in the middle, so you can also work accuracy, also a softball moves alot different than the soccer ball will. You will need to secure the smaller ball in the mesh bag with tape or something. The smaller target is particularly good for stickwork.

Have fun,

how about a tennis ball and something heavy (or if you can attach a cord to the ground.) just use something like rock climbing rope (it's relay springy and doesn't wear out easily) punch two holes in the ball, tie nbots on the top and bottom of the ball so it can't wander to much, either attach a weight to the bottom or attach the bottom cord to the ground. It will be alot smaller though.
Balloon Toss

Using a large balloon, blow it up until it is nice and firm. Toss it in the air and attempt to pop it with punches, kicks, etc.

Paper Hang

There are two variations of this -

A) Using a regular piece of computer paper or newsprint, hang it from the ceiling with a few strands of thread. Punch, kick and strike at the paper. With thrusting techniques (i.e. punches, spearhands, thrusting kicks) the paper should move away from you. With snapping techniques (i.e. backfist, snapping kicks, etc.), the paper should be "sucked" back toward you when the technique is retracted from the striking surface.

B) Using a regular piece of newspaper, hold it in one hand and drop it. While it is falling through the air, punch at it with digitial strikes, regular strikes, etc., trying to punch a hole (nice, neat one, not a tear) in the paper.

Candle Training

Mount a candle on a dowel that is supported in an old Christmas Tree stand. Light the candle and strike/kick it out. Be sure your breath is not extinguishing the flame. As the paper hang above, thrusts should blow the candle out, snaps should suck it out. Aim your techniques at least an inch away from the flame. When you can put the flame out 10 times out of 10 consecutive attempts, back up and add an inch to your point of focus.

Good luck, and enjoy.

I took an old soccer ball, cut a hole in the top and filled it with foam. Put 2 more holes in it for bungee chords, wrapped it in duct tape and had my double end striking ball. I also took an old couch cushion and wrapped it tight in duct tape several times and had a homemade sheild with rope handles.

I also take a nerf ball, run yarn through the center and let it hang from the ceiling then start punching and kicking at it.
Awesome Stuff!

By the way, saw the soccer pal today and now I sit down to read this. And I thought I had this brilliant find I was going to reveal ;)

It really works, and if I use a standard soccer ball, I don't have to use any tape at all. It felt really good to whack it with the sticks at full power. I'll see how the smaller balls work. I probably will have to seal up the bag with either tape or twine. For $8 a piece at my local Sports Authority, I'll probably just buy another one, and be able to work them simultaneously. BTW, I was really surprised to see how full-power stick works affects your wrists. I now see why grip work is so important in FMA.

I've also heard of the paper and the candle drills. Really good for visualization, focus, and "whipping" of the wrists, as well as finger jabs.

I guess my next 2 projects will be someway to augment the soccer pal to have a body and head combo -- kind of like that B.O.B. heavy bag Century sells, and eventually a cheapo JKD dummy -- I'm thinking PVC, foam padding, and some duct tape. Might even be able to make it at least pseudo-portable.

But that's for another day...

Hey...maybe we should have an equipment forum! If we collect all these tips in one place, I think it would be useful to a lot of people. Maybe we can include product reviews too.

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