boot camp

Samantha said:
The "as many situps as you can do in two minutes test": 66

The "as many pushups as you can do in two minutes test": 12 regular, 36 modified (on my knees).

How long it took me to "run" a mile - 10 minutes 55 seconds.
Scores from week three:

Situps in two minutes - 66 (this made me so mad. I couldnt do ONE more. [time ran out])

pushups in two minutes - 20 regular, 28 modified (they both add up to 48 but I think doing real vs modified is better)

run the mile - 10 minutes 10 seconds.

The time isnt that much better but I noticed a difference in my stamina. Whereas in week 1 I could do 3/4 of a lap (1 lap = .25 mile) before I had to walk and catch my breath, I ran two laps before I had to this time. Still not the greatest but definitely getting there.

My legs are looking nicer too.
Great work, Samantha. You are obviously a highly motivated and intelligent young woman. I expect we'll all be hearing great things about you in the future!
Samantha said:
Scores from week three:

Situps in two minutes - 66 (this made me so mad. I couldnt do ONE more. [time ran out])

pushups in two minutes - 20 regular, 28 modified (they both add up to 48 but I think doing real vs modified is better)

run the mile - 10 minutes 10 seconds.

The time isnt that much better but I noticed a difference in my stamina. Whereas in week 1 I could do 3/4 of a lap (1 lap = .25 mile) before I had to walk and catch my breath, I ran two laps before I had to this time. Still not the greatest but definitely getting there.

My legs are looking nicer too.
This is really inspiring, i have half heartedly wanted to do something like this but i think after reading this thread i am going to actively look into doing something like this. So thanks for the inspiratation and good luck with it, i think its awesome.
Those are some respectable scores. The run time looks to be your weakest link actually and unless you enjoy running can be the toughest to improve if you have plateaued.
I ran two miles today.
on 3.5 hours sleep.

and I didnt throw up, even though I wanted to because I somehow kept getting yucky crap in my throat. (use your imagination).
Way to go Sam keep up the great work it will pay off one day soon!!
Samantha, I would say cutting down your time by 45 seconds is great. Give it some more time and you might knock it down by another 45. Keep it up.
Only on the days I dont have bootcamp - friday and saturday. I do kenpo 2 hours a day on top of the daily bootcamp, so I'm already a bit worn at the edges when I arrive to class mon-thurs. I have found that my upper body strength is improving.

The days I DO have bootcamp I'm probably a bit worse than my average, honestly, because I'm sore and tired.

One of my instructors told me today, "you got thin!"

boot camp is over, yay!

I ended up losing 7 lbs in the process. now, to keep it off over the holidays.... I opted not to find out my scores for the last testing session. It doesnt matter, because I can see the improvement.
Sam said:
boot camp is over, yay!

I ended up losing 7 lbs in the process. now, to keep it off over the holidays.... I opted not to find out my scores for the last testing session. It doesnt matter, because I can see the improvement.

Sam, that is fantastic! Your right, doesn't matter as long as you see the improvement, that is all that matters! You Rock!

:asian: Lisa
Andrew Green said:
Warning: Taking the above seriously shows a serious mental problem and is grounds for being committed to a mental institution.


(just kidding)

Thanks :)

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