Books you'd like to see made into movies

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 2, 2007
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Sanger CA
It doesn't have to be a truly original thought. There are literally TONS of books out there that could be made into movies.
He's right. So, what books would you like to see made into movies? Who would you cast to play the principle characters?
Simon R Green's Deathstalker series would be a hell of a good franchise, as would David Eddings' Belgariad. As a matter of fact, Simon R Green's Secret History novels would be really fun to watch as well.
The Elric novels by moorcock.

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Oh Lordy where do I begin.
I've attempted script treatments for several novels that I've loved over the years. Still planning to write scripts... but the formatting is something I need to make sure of. Knowing that hundreds of scripts get turned in to producers, agents, et al. every month (if not thousands thanks to e-mail). This is just a small list.

Lightning by: Dean Koontz. He's had several of his books turned to film. Watchers was probably the best known.

Ice-Rigger by Alan Dean Foster. Irony of this is that the man makes part of his living by turning (original) scripts into novels. He's also (and I don't care WHO says different) is the ORIGINAL author of Star Wars, A New Hope.
Several other of Fosters novels would make good sci-fi adventures.

Blind Descent by Nevada Barr, a lady that specializes in writing thrillers that occur in/around popular National Parks... this one (naturally for me) is about the caves in the Carlsbad New Mexico system.

The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant by Stephen R. Donaldson. This has had a few attempts but like LOTR's trilogy it's going to take a director with a love/knowledge of the series and the computer talents of WETA to accomplish it all. The scope of the entire chronicles is immense... just like Tolkien's work.

Too fricken many more to list here but those are the ones I wouldn't mind having a hand in writing the scripts.
Almost any of the Honor Harrington series - "On Basalisk Station" would be a good place to start :D. Finding a leading lady to play Honor might be hard tho'. Angelina Jolie is one that is often mentioned by some fans (especially after Sky Captain) but I reckon she's too 'latin' ... but that's a problem for casting rather than the script-writers :)
Almost any of the Honor Harrington series - "On Basalisk Station" would be a good place to start :D. Finding a leading lady to play Honor might be hard tho'. Angelina Jolie is one that is often mentioned by some fans (especially after Sky Captain) but I reckon she's too 'latin' ... but that's a problem for casting rather than the script-writers :)

And too short. And too good looking for the initial role, Honor at the start is described as somewhat of a gawky mess who hasn't grown into herself. Moon Bloodgood has a good look (and the height) to pull off the role, though I'm having a hard time imagining many actresses willing to give themselves a crewcut for the role. I would also suggest they start earlier in the short stories, I would rather see a "Lt. Harrington" before seeing her in a "captain" role, the Hornblower movie series is the logical model for it.

And I would like to see them redo Starship Troopers with powered armor, you know the stuff that made the "Moblile Infantry" mobile...
I would like to see the Night's Dawn Trilogy by Peter F. Hamilton made into a film series. I have read that he has been talking to people about it, but it hasn't really gone very far yet. My main reservation is that too much would be cut out of it (its 3 books of 1250 small print pages) or for it to work it would have to become a ridiculous amount of films. Also, since the plot is very complicated with a range of primary, secondary and tertiary characters so it could get quite complex for a general studio audience.
Thanks Blindside! I knew that I'd seen an actress recently that I'd commented would make a good Harrington! Striking and beautifully strong-featured without being 'pretty', it was indeed Moon Bloodgood who would do admirably for Honor at the time of her life that Basilisk Station happened (except that Honor is supposed to be paley complected). . Is she really tall enough tho'? She looked 'rangy' enough in "Falling Skies" to me - time to do a bit of checking on the Net :D.

As a bookish side note, that 'scrawny mess' image is Honor's own view of herself - she doesn't shake it off for quite a while, even with Paul Tankersley's love but I think she had grown into physical 'maturity' by the time the series starts at Basilisk.

I agree also about doing Starship Troopers properly.
And I would like to see them redo Starship Troopers with powered armor, you know the stuff that made the "Moblile Infantry" mobile...

How about just an honest treatment of Starship Troopers. Verhoeven had a agenda, and made a movie that fit his agenda loosely (VERY loosely) featuring elements of the book.

Scalzi's Old Man's War would be a good movie in a similar vein. Lots of action, excuses to feature lots of pretty women and attractive men... dyed green. Spaceships and warriors and aliens...
I second the Deathstalker series.

I woud also like to see Santiago by Mike Resnick. I don't think it would be too hard. With the success of Firefly/Serenity, I think there would be a good fan base for that cowboy/sci-fi feel to it. The copy of the book I have says on the cover that is is "soon to be a major motion picture", but I don't think that it ever happened.

With the success of the LOTR series, I would like to see RA Salvatore's first trilogy (Crystal Shard, Halfing's Gem, Stream of Silver) with Drizzt. The prequel would be awesome as well.
How about some of the Dragonriders of Pern books? That'd have some great visuals, exciting drama... and if they stick with it long enough, or start with some of the books set before the era of the original trilogy, even a mix of science fiction and fantasy elements.

Retief of the CDT - Keith Laumer series
Callahan's Crosstime Saloon - Spider Robinson
Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card

Comic Book:

Luke Cage, Power Man
Iron Fist
Karate Kid (the comic)


Henderson, the Rain King - Saul Bellow
Jude, the Obscure - Thomas Hardy (I'd just like to see it done right)
If you want to move away from science fiction -- David Morrell's got several books that would make good movies.
Vampire$ by John Steakley. I know this book was already made into a movie but it really deserves a second chance.
Barbara Cartland :angel:

Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer, as well as 'the supernaturalists' and 'the Wishlist'

Keys to the Kingdom by Garth Nix. Very unique imagery in that series.

The Five Ancestors by Jeff Stone. Lots of MA potential.
Callahan's Crosstime Saloon - Spider Robinson

I loved the series, but I think any series that largely focused on a bunch of people enjoying Irish Coffee in a bar and punning is going to go over like a lead balloon. But it would make a great limited run TV show on one of the cable channels.

Ender's Game
Would be awesome, and current CGI could actually show null-gee gaming.
I would like to see a higher budget version of Eisler's "Rain" series, at one point I heard Jet Li had optioned the film, but that those rights had expired. The one version that was made was just a bad movie.
Vampire$ by John Steakley. I know this book was already made into a movie but it really deserves a second chance.
Another one that deserves a remake by someone who's actually interested in the book & storyline...

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