Bonjour de Québec, Capitale de la Belle Province!


White Belt
Hi everybody,

I'm (obviously) from Quebec City, Canada. My first language is French, so please forgive me in advance for my bad english.

I'm a big martial arts fan looking to talk (er... write) about various martial topics with others MA fans. I love to learn, and always had consider myself somewhat of a beginner even if I've been practicing MA (more often than not... ) for about 3 decades. I tried many styles : Karate (Yoseikan, Shito-Ryu, Kyokushin), Jujutsu, Judo, Kempo, Ninjutsu, Krav maga... and some others I dont recall the names in various security and law enforcement seminars and courses. I hold mid-ranking belts in most of the aforementionned MA.

I dont work anymore in LE and security, but still love MA. So I went back to Kenpo, and this time I'm going for it all the way.

Thank you for reading, and I cant wait to meet you on the forums.

Welcome Slapshot. The first thing is to set your mind at rest about your written English usage ... you have nothing to fear on that score going by your introductory post above :thumbsup:. Take your time, browse around the forums until your find a topic that interests you and pull up a pew.
Bienvenue, and hello from your neighbor to the south!

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