Hello, I'm Kozure Okami ("Lonewolf") from Paris, France

Kozure Okami

White Belt
Hi everybody :)
First, please excuse my english writings if I do some mistakes. I'm french (but I've been living in New Hampshire all the year 1987). I'm from Paris.
What about me ? Well, I'm almost 50, have 4 kids (smaller has been adopted), no wife as she had died in a car crash. Actually I'm a director of a little group of organizations to help people. I'm also a Red Cross rescue chief. Before I was security officer.
I started martial arts when I was a 9 yo little boy, in 1974. I practise Ninpō-Ninjutsu (modern and traditional) (I know Masaaki Hatsumi Sensei, and his french Menkyo kaiden, Mr Cousergue) (and S. Guintard), Koryū Kobudō and Bujutsu (Kakutō Bugei, Bugei Juhappan) (Kashima Shinryū, Hontai Yoshin Ryū, and others), Kenjutsu, Judo-Jujutsu, European Martial arts, and some few martial sports or combat systems like close-combat (I was in french army and I'm instructor), Krav-maga, boxes.
Maybe it's a lot of things, but that's all my life. I've been in Japan (Tokyo, Ibaraki and Tochigi area). I love animals, wild nature, kindness and sincerity, .... blue and black colors, (beer and sake).
I have some martial art forums too (very little ones).
This one is very nice. :)
Welcome to MT. Enjoy the ride. Our Koryu section is not as active as some others, but there are some extremely knowledgable people involved with that section.
Thank you! Yes, I just had a look on that section and Ninjutsu one. People have real knowledge here, more than french forums where they speak more about recent martial arts or "martial sport". Speaking about Koryu in France is not easy, like speaking about extraterrestrial things :D - Well, France is smaller than USA, and french people are not all interested by martial arts. Football is more appreciated generally.

The same is true in the US, even if it IS a different type of football...
Welcome to MT! you'll find both the 'traditional, knowledgeable' people here, as well as those who talk about the martial sport (although they are just as knowledgeable). Can't claim to fall into either category myself, since I'm not very knowledgeable(comparatively), just very opinionated :supcool:
(This guy -->:yoda:is not me)
Welcome to MT! I'm sorry to hear of the tragic loss of your wife. I hope that you have happier times ahead, and I hope you enjoy your stay here on MartialTalk.
Welcome to the site. It appears you have a lot to share, we do hope you enjoy MT.....
Welcome to MT! So sorry to hear of your loss of your wife. I also hope you are coping with that and that your life with your kids and MT (job too of course) is full and rewarding. Look forward to your input here.

And that is pretty much the extent om my french.... that is unless you want me to count to quatorze then you would know all the French I know :D
Welcome. I know a little about French culture as my wife is French. Her famiy is also from Paris.
Thank you very much! Sorry to be so late, I had some problems, and have some like problems with this old computer (it doesn't want to work every day).


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