Bob Hubbard for President 2012 - Platform

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Work in progress.

Proposal: 2012 platform in part

1 - Eliminate the complex income tax system entirely for individuals.
Doing this will remove all the 'loop holes', 'tax credits' and 'unfair advantages' across the board.

2 - Institute a Federal Sales Tax rate of 20%.
The following would be exempt:
- services.
- raw food
- medicine
- baby care, including clothing, diapers, formula and food.
- Necessary utilities. These would be gas, electric, water, heat oil, propane, land line telephones.
Revenues under this system would be 5% greater than under the existing system, serve the purpose of putting extra money in every American's paychecks, allow "the poor" more immediate cash while safeguarding necessities remain affordable. It also puts more of a tax burden on those who spend the most on luxury items such as high end cars or giant tvs.

3 - Eliminate all "death taxes" allowing Americans to pass on their wealth to family.
The current system is abused, and serves to limit lower income American's abilities to pass on the fruits of their labors to their children. While the system as is is well intended, it is broken and needs to be eliminated.

4 - Create a Federal Hospital System to work as a national base-care system to provide low and no cost base and emergency care to all citizens.
This is not a replacement for the current system, but a complete overhaul.
Existing private insurance would be able to continue, however it would restructure to provide more high-end care.
The FHS would be staffed by doctors, nurses and technicians who work a standard 40 hour week at a fair wage for 10 years, in return for free school and training, and a salary while they train. After their time-in is served, they are free to stay or go into private practice.

5 - Social Security restructuring.
Money paid into the system would remain in the system, put in escrow for the future. No more dipping into it allowed. Past IOU's are to be paid back into the system, with reasonable interest. This would result in the current system becoming quite solvent.

6 - Border Security
The Southern Border would be immediately strengthened, with additional agents deployed to combat intrusion. They would be augmented by active duty military and National Guard units as needed, with unmanned drones patrolling much of the border. Hostiles will be met with overwhelming force. Civilians will be given all reasonable humanitarian aid, and returned speedily to their respective embassies.

7 - Revamp Education
To create the future, one must dream. We must encourage people to dream again, while balancing that with the tools to live. People must be allowed to be creative, and trained in entrepreneurial concepts.

8 - Make Medical Care Affordable
#4 covers some of the problem, but not all.
- Hospitals must be audited to ensure that billing is accurate. Errors in billing cost Americans Billions of dollars in over payments each year.
- Medicaid and Medicare must be revamped. There is an estimated 60% fraud in the system, stealing aid from both the tax payers and Americans who need the help the most. Fraud must be punished, freeing funding to go where it is most needed.
- Drug companies enjoy a monopoly on drugs for years, and can extend that by making miner tweaks. This loophole must be closed, and generics allowed on the market.

9 - The redefinition of Corporations as people should be reversed.

10 - Return the election of Senators to the States and re balance the power in the Federal Government

11 - The Lobbyist system needs to be rethought. Campaign contributions from lobby groups should be eliminated, the ability of a government servent to become a lobbyist and vice versa should also be restricted, with no GS allowed to become a lobbyist for at least 1 year after leaving office. This "No Conflict Clause" is similar to Non-Compete Clauses in use in business today.

12 - The Federal Budget should be gone through line by line with serious attention to fat, and trimmed back to reasonable levels.

13 - Marriage Rights
Recognize all couples legally joined under the laws of their home state as "married" and extend to them all benefits and obligations accordingly, regardless of gender, orientation, race, or creed. This gives Federal recognition for civil purposes to all legally married couples, while allowing States to decide the issue for themselves, as well as allowing religions to do the same.

14 - Medical Overhaul (extends #4 and #8)
Raise Medicaid tax rate and remove income cap.
Expand existing system to include more people.
Raise income level restrictions so that anyone under $20k is 100% covered, with a graduated system topping out at $64,000 (the half-way point in the tax system).
Add additional fraud prevention measures.

End result: More people covered, funds raised withing existing system to cover it, no huge bureaucracy created.

If you qualify, you're covered. Walk into any medical place that takes it, show the card, fill our the usual paperwork, get treated, and go home.

Can also be applied to Medicare.
If I had the right to do so, I'd vote for you, Bob.
I'd vote for ya...
Can I have the job of head of Dept. of The Interior? There's a lot wrong with our national parks that could be fixed... among other things along those lines. Oh and if that's filled by someone better then I'll take Dept. Of Transportation. Give me the funds and I'll get that coast to coast bullet train built. Create a crap load of jobs to go with it.
Not to mention that we could use an internet speed that isn't regulated. Get our connections as fast as the rest of the world. Get a helluva lot more done to be sure.

Hubbard 2012!!
Motto: No :BSmeter: Politics!
Work in progress.

Proposal: 2012 platform in part

1 - Eliminate the complex income tax system entirely for individuals.
Doing this will remove all the 'loop holes', 'tax credits' and 'unfair advantages' across the board.

2 - Institute a Federal Sales Tax rate of 20%.
The following would be exempt:
- services.
- raw food
- medicine
- baby care, including clothing, diapers, formula and food.
- Necessary utilities. These would be gas, electric, water, heat oil, propane, land line telephones.
Revenues under this system would be 5% greater than under the existing system, serve the purpose of putting extra money in every American's paychecks, allow "the poor" more immediate cash while safeguarding necessities remain affordable. It also puts more of a tax burden on those who spend the most on luxury items such as high end cars or giant tvs.
These are both great. I'd prefer a flat income tax, but that's a relatively small thing. The underlying point that our tax system is too complicated and rife with abuse is one we both agree on.
3 - Eliminate all "death taxes" allowing Americans to pass on their wealth to family.
The current system is abused, and serves to limit lower income American's abilities to pass on the fruits of their labors to their children. While the system as is is well intended, it is broken and needs to be eliminated.
Either this isn't specific enough or you're referring to something other than the Estate Tax, because my immediate reaction to this is that it's completely unfounded.
4 - Create a Federal Hospital System to work as a national base-care system to provide low and no cost base and emergency care to all citizens.
This is not a replacement for the current system, but a complete overhaul.
Existing private insurance would be able to continue, however it would restructure to provide more high-end care.
The FHS would be staffed by doctors, nurses and technicians who work a standard 40 hour week at a fair wage for 10 years, in return for free school and training, and a salary while they train. After their time-in is served, they are free to stay or go into private practice.
We have public hospitals already. These hospitals, like Harborview in SEattle, do not turn people away from the emergency rooms. We need federally funded general practitioners who are available to increase preventative care and general wellness for ALL citizens. This will, in turn, save us a boatload of tax revenue in unnecessary trips to the ER.
5 - Social Security restructuring.
Money paid into the system would remain in the system, put in escrow for the future. No more dipping into it allowed. Past IOU's are to be paid back into the system, with reasonable interest. This would result in the current system becoming quite solvent.
You will never stop the double counting of Social Security funds. That would result in a paper deficit increase of trillions of dollars with the swipe of a pen and no politician would ever allow it. But, if solvency is the issue, we only need to do one thing: remove the earnings cap and apply FICA to income over the current earnings limit. Voila. Solvency issues are eliminated.
6 - Border Security
The Southern Border would be immediately strengthened, with additional agents deployed to combat intrusion. They would be augmented by active duty military and National Guard units as needed, with unmanned drones patrolling much of the border. Hostiles will be met with overwhelming force. Civilians will be given all reasonable humanitarian aid, and returned speedily to their respective embassies.

7 - Revamp Education
To create the future, one must dream. We must encourage people to dream again, while balancing that with the tools to live. People must be allowed to be creative, and trained in entrepreneurial concepts.
This is nice to say, but what's your plan? Do you like vouchers? Magnet schools? Charter schools?
8 - Make Medical Care Affordable
#4 covers some of the problem, but not all.
- Hospitals must be audited to ensure that billing is accurate. Errors in billing cost Americans Billions of dollars in over payments each year.
- Medicaid and Medicare must be revamped. There is an estimated 60% fraud in the system, stealing aid from both the tax payers and Americans who need the help the most. Fraud must be punished, freeing funding to go where it is most needed.
- Drug companies enjoy a monopoly on drugs for years, and can extend that by making miner tweaks. This loophole must be closed, and generics allowed on the market.

9 - The redefinition of Corporations as people should be reversed.

10 - Return the election of Senators to the States and re balance the power in the Federal Government

11 - The Lobbyist system needs to be rethought. Campaign contributions from lobby groups should be eliminated, the ability of a government servent to become a lobbyist and vice versa should also be restricted, with no GS allowed to become a lobbyist for at least 1 year after leaving office. This "No Conflict Clause" is similar to Non-Compete Clauses in use in business today.

12 - The Federal Budget should be gone through line by line with serious attention to fat, and trimmed back to reasonable levels.

13 - Marriage Rights
Recognize all couples legally joined under the laws of their home state as "married" and extend to them all benefits and obligations accordingly, regardless of gender, orientation, race, or creed. This gives Federal recognition for civil purposes to all legally married couples, while allowing States to decide the issue for themselves, as well as allowing religions to do the same.

14 - Medical Overhaul (extends #4 and #8)
Raise Medicaid tax rate and remove income cap.
Expand existing system to include more people.
Raise income level restrictions so that anyone under $20k is 100% covered, with a graduated system topping out at $64,000 (the half-way point in the tax system).
Add additional fraud prevention measures.

End result: More people covered, funds raised withing existing system to cover it, no huge bureaucracy created.

If you qualify, you're covered. Walk into any medical place that takes it, show the card, fill our the usual paperwork, get treated, and go home.

Can also be applied to Medicare.
Overall, I think you're well meaning and I agree philosophically with your intent. But, as Ross Perot once said, 'The devil is in the details.'

Fun post, though! :)
Steve, details would come from the focus group I'd form to get into the specifics. For now, it's more a 'top level summary' as it were.

Remember my main focuses are personal responsibility, small government, strict interpretation of the Constitution, with some compromises in the mix for the greater good (ie might not be whats best for me, but better for most). It's a Federal Level plan, with a lot of the details also left to the States as per Amendment 10.

#4 - This system is intended to create medical campuses and out-clinics where citizens can find affordable care. Payments would be based on need and ability, so that a poorer person may pay nothing, while Mr. Gates would get full price should he show up. It's based on a system Arni and I banged out during the whole Obamacare debate round 1 & 2.

#5 - the double dipping would end and funds collected for SS would remain with SS. Caps would be removed to allow greater inflow, in part to fund #4.

#7 - schools would be encouraged to add courses on creativity, entrepreneurship, and related skills. Eventually I can see specialty schools popping up to do a concentrated focus on such things.
Bob, All these details are too much to read. Just tell me if you are Democrat, Republican or Independant. I'll vote my party. Details and positions are, well, secondary...
Bob, All these details are too much to read. Just tell me if you are Democrat, Republican or Independant. I'll vote my party. Details and positions are, well, secondary...
Pizza party
Bob it all makes sense thats why it won't work there is a huge crowd of the voter base that ranges from bat sh=== crazy to hate mongers with guns and god on thier side if all else fails that is willing to listen to any out right lie promoted by corrupted media and paid for by billionare and corporate propaganda. How are we going to get around this even conservative pundants say it will take people being homless hungry and sick to get motivated enough to do something? I hate the speaker of the house and all like him. Good loard when the vote came out to not kill health care reform idiots were crying and praying over thier bibles it just makes me want to grind the whole bunch into Solient Green and feed it to the hungry.

Thanks for your thread Id like to see what Big Don and Billicheck can say in thier own words as a rebutal to your points with out needing to supply endless links to the facist trash pile
Sheesh Bob, I don't know if I can join the Pizza Party, since I can't eat pizza :( Now I really want a slice. :)

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