

Blue Belt

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Taekwondo&size=condensed

go to 00:42:00 and listen to USAT Director of Events Mark Kaufman state that it is his opinion that the technology is such that our chest protector manufacturer should do more testing before sending the product out in the ring.

This is the same chest protector that USAT forces sparring competitors from 6 to 106 to wear during sparring. They charge a $20 rental fee for it.

This is the same company that paid USAT for their sponsorship and to make athletes rent or buy this equipment.

So is this the best product as stated by USAT CEO David Askinas or is it not and he was using LaJust to make payroll?

You have to feel for LaJust. They can't get any respect from USAT not even for $***,*** dollars.

link no bueno.

lo siento mucho. It got truncated somehow. [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] [/FONT]

Also go to 00:54:00 and watch the bit with the 2 points going up and Mark's comments. And I really want to know where these 8000 athletes who qualified at states came from.

I have had 2 people say he was talking about pre-fight testing at the ring - here is my answer to that one:

Now here is the way I look at it. I don't know how many more times they could have tested it before changing the battery. The battery should be checked before they even get to the pressure testing. Mark is the Director of Events and he can demand that they do more checking before sending to the rings, that isn't what he said. What he said was that the "technology is such that our chest protector manufacturer" need to do more testing before going into the rings - with lots of pauses and ummms. Now if he was referring to the testing that is done before a match begins, done by USAT staff at USAT events - he would not have said "OUR CHEST PROTECTOR MANUFACTURER" - which does not have enough staff to test at every ring at every event before every match. The testing done by "OUR CHEST PROTECTOR MANUFACTURER" is done before the units hit USAT hands. At least twice he adds in the caveat that this is his PERSONAL OPINION. If it is testing at the ring that is his personal opinion, he has the power to make it happen - hello - he runs the events.
you know, kind-of disheartning how EMPTY the bleachers are. Not to mention the lack of Participants...

So a big stage and thats the turn out........ :waah: (not lol-ing)
you know, kind-of disheartning how EMPTY the bleachers are. Not to mention the lack of Participants...

So a big stage and thats the turn out........ :waah: (not lol-ing)
I agree. I also think they need to get bigger names for this kind of event and then pay the winners something as well.

You can have a qualifying event to determine the field but then pay the winners (only 4 categories) 5K each. That is only 20K.

The turnout would be great due to the exposure and the money. You would draw big names also.
I agree. I also think they need to get bigger names for this kind of event and then pay the winners something as well.

You can have a qualifying event to determine the field but then pay the winners (only 4 categories) 5K each. That is only 20K.

The turnout would be great due to the exposure and the money. You would draw big names also.

Looking at it they begged anyone they could get to come in and fight. There were few competitors registered. As usual USAT did not plan, did not do their due diligence and basically didn't even let people know this was out there. Add in that this type of event has never been successful.
Looking at it they begged anyone they could get to come in and fight. There were few competitors registered. As usual USAT did not plan, did not do their due diligence and basically didn't even let people know this was out there. Add in that this type of event has never been successful.

you're right. with proper planning and implement, this could have been a huge Womens event and even become an ANNUAL thing with great turnout and competition... idiots.

and you know what makes it worse... social media IS FREE ADVERTISEMENT. dumbasses.

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