Two blondes were driving to disneyland, they were just about there and saw a sign that said "Disneyland left", so they turned around and went home.
Three blondes were at the pearly gates of heaven and were met outside by Saint Peter. Saint Peter said to the first blonde that she could come inside if she could tell him what Easter is. The blonde replied, "um, isn't that when the whole family comes together in one house and we eat a big turkey and watch football and eat pumpkin pie"? Saint Peter says "no" and she is sent to hell. The second blond is asked the same question to which she replies, "oh yeah, Easter, that is when the house is all decorated with lights and a tree and we all get to wake up and open a bunch of presents and have a big dinner together, right"? Saint Peter says, wrong and sends her to hell. The third blonde is asked the same question and she says, "Oh, that is when Jesus was crucified and then buried behind a giant boulder, three days later they move the boulder and jesus rises from the grave, etc"...full on disertation of Easter...Saint Peter is shocked and exclaims that he has never heard such and accurate depiction of Easter, not even HE could have given such a detailed depiction, "that was AMAZING"!
Then the blonde says, "yeah, then every year we move the boulder and if Jesus sees his shadow, there will be six more weeks of basketball"!
Did you hear what the blonde mom said to the blond daughter?
If you're not in bed by 11:00pm, COME HOME!
These are kind of bad, skip them if you don't like the bad ones
-Why do blonde's wear panties?
To keep their ankles warm.
-What did the blonde say after having sex?
You guys all on the same team?...
-Why do blondes wear large hoop earrings?
So they have a place to hold their ankles.
-How do blondes turn on the light after having sex?
Open the car door.
-What did the blonde say when she found out she was pregnant?
Is it mine?...
A brunette is jumping from railroad track to track yelling out "21...21...21...21. A blonde notices her and decides to join her, jumping from track to track yelling 21...21...21...21, a train approaches, just before it hits, the brunette jumps off the tracks and the blonde is killed. After the train has passed, the brunette gets back on the tracks and yells "22...22...22...22..."
Some more bad ones. Warning
-What do you call a brunette standing with three blondes?
Regular price, 4 bucks, 4 bucks, 4 bucks.
-What do you call 5 blondes sitting on a park bench?
A wind tunnel
-What do you call a blonde with a dollar on her head?
All you can eat under a buck.
Last one.
There was a blonde, a brunette and a red head and they worked at a factory. Everyday their boss left one hour early and this had gone on for over a year. So one day, the brunette said that they should wait 15 minutes after the boss left and then they should leave, they decided to try it the next day. 15 minutes after the boss left early as usual, the brunette went out and did some shopping, the red head got her haircut and the blonde decided to go home to get some rest, but when she got there, her boss's car was in the driveway. She crept inside and saw her husband having sex with her boss so she ran out without a noise.
The next day, the brunette was talking about how much shopping she did and how she was going to do that everyday, the red head was so happy she had time to get her haircut and was talking about going with the brunette shopping, they both looked at the blonde who said "I'm never doing that again, I almost got caught"!!!