Black Friday

I would not plunge into the rabid cattle herd on the aptly titled Black Friday if all the cashiers were strippers handing out free prime rib on plates made of $100 bills...... there is nothing that would make me want to be a part of that insanity.
Since we're both in Upstate NY, I will volunteer to brave the stripper frenzy for you. Just PM me your shopping list, remit payment for your items to my Paypal account, and don't forget to throw in a bit extra for tips for the ladies... :lol
Since we're both in Upstate NY, I will volunteer to brave the stripper frenzy for you. Just PM me your shopping list, remit payment for your items to my Paypal account, and don't forget to throw in a bit extra for tips for the ladies... :lol

You should be nominated for Sainthood for such an unselfish act..
I have resurrected this thread as Black Friday will soon be upon us...I have gotten lucky that last 3 years concerning this date..2 years ago I was assigned to the dispatch center so I didn't have to deal with the masses..Last year I was out with a knee injury and this year with a back injury....So I was wondering if anyone here is going to brave the cold and the crowds to pick up some deals????

A couple of years ago you couldn't find me within 5 miles of a shopping mall or store of any kind for the entire weekend. But last year .... :D

Last year I got amazing gifts for my whole family - practical, useable gifts plus a couple of flat-out-fun electronics - for a total UNDER $400.00 I have watched sales and clearances all year long since and I have not once found a single deal to rival the ones I got that day.

I'm looking to spend even less this year ... and I'm getting up at 2 am to do it. Gets me out of the kitchen sooner and absolves me of cleanup dooty.

As an aside, the most amazing deal-getters I saw last year was a group of well-organized adults who were shopping for everything. I spoke to one who said this is the time of year they buy everything - linens, tableware, cookware, small and large appliances, tools, electronics, clothing ... all basic needs as well as gifts. Each adult had two cell phones and a bluetooth in each ear, were accompanied by a friend/family member and corralled two baskets (where I was). Fascinating ... and, I think, overkill. Admirable, nonetheless, in its execution.
I have never shopped on Black Friday in my life. Maybe I'll give it a try this year.
My wife told me that she is venturing out on Black Friday..Leaving the house at 4 AM...
My wife will be going out. I lose my patience quickly in crowds, and then people get broken... :lol:
you thinking shopping on BF is bad try working. I worked at EB games the years the GTA 3 came out and it came out on BF, it did more $$$ sales in one day than the #1 selling album off the year did (which i think was Backstreet Boys)

My wife will be going out. I lose my patience quickly in crowds, and then people get broken... :lol:

And my wife thought that I was the only one like that...I am vindicated...Thanks...
I would not plunge into the rabid cattle herd on the aptly titled Black Friday if all the cashiers were strippers handing out free prime rib on plates made of $100 bills...... there is nothing that would make me want to be a part of that insanity.

Same as last year, if you do hear of such a Black Friday promotion, please PM me. Thanks (again)! ;)
And my wife thought that I was the only one like that...I am vindicated...Thanks...

I have problems with the crowds and lack of politeness.

Although this year I am thinking of going to a place for a flat scren monitor. I just have not found which one yet.

Yes, along with those that allow their kids to run wild while they shop...

Something about 5 or 6 in the morning makes the crowds (and the kids, if they are there...) a bit more mellow ;)

I dunno if I will go this year. I'll be at my mom's so if she wants to go, I'll go with her.

Unfortunately I bought my holiday air travel in August when fuel was a lot higher than it is now, so my Thanksgiving and Christmas travel ended up costing me double what it did last year. That didn't leave me with a lot of room for gifts :( So...I'm their present this year! LOL!

Drac....what are you doing with that wrapping paper?????? :lol2:
I have problems with the crowds and lack of politeness.

Although this year I am thinking of going to a place for a flat scren monitor. I just have not found which one yet.


I have problems with the lack of general politeness and the "me first" mentality most people today seem to have too. But I put it aside when necessary and on Black Friday, it's sometimes necessary ... "When in Rome..." is a lame excuse, I know, but when you say it? And then see the reaction? It sure feels gooood. :EG:

If you see a nationally advertised deal on flat screen monitors, please let me know - I need a couple. :D