Originally posted by Wes Idol
Mr. C.,
I certainly see your point and actually concur greatly. If I was to make a solid commitment I would say "we are black dot focus cats, PERIOD."
I thought to only consider the "small world" concentration of hitting a bag........or as you put very well, "execution of actions during a Self Defense Gesture"........very nice. It's funny. Notwithstanding the education and intelligence we show up with, Parker really opened the door to higher level language to describe how we knock each other around.
Well sort of. Without white dot focus there not is black dot foucus. Black dot focus is a learned trait. Hence my avitar. White dot focus is a natural state of concentraition. They both exist it is only that black dot focus is the most advantageous. It is really easy to incorporate it into daily driving (for example) your eyes are on the car in front of you but the focus is beyond that. White dot focus is the beginning of the end in a short amount of time because it disallows you to see various angles of attack.
So really it is bad to practice or train using white dot focus in any way, shape or form. Knowing what WDF is though allows you to unlock the mode in the thought process until BDF is what you live by. Hitting a bag is a prime place to focus beyond the target. To make the adjustment from bag to human target is just that much easier when practiced in such a manner. You have to know where the targets are without looking at them. Unfortunately working with your associates makes you use WDF in certain stages of developement- so you don't put your fingers through their eye sockets. WDF may also be used to regulate certain aspects of your fighting game. When you free yourself (BDF) it is only a matter of time before an injury occurs especially when your associates have much higher levels or much lower levels. (speed deception and angle issues)
You train for BDF but sometimes WDF must be used as there are issues of regulation when training. During forms and self defense situations BDF all the way. There are also superconscious states that go hand in hand with BDF.
So they both exist and both are used but BDF is the real stuff. It allows for mushin. Once that occurs nothing but net babe. The contradiction lays within training vs. combat.
You did a good job putting your thoughts out WI- gave me a picture and allowed me to have my thoughts on this subject.