you DONT allow parent sto watch thier kids, and one gets hurt?
you might as well sign over your school to them.
thats in addition to the fact that it is stupid. I REFUSE to EVER be alone with a minor.
That's an extremely logical precaution to take. I only have one minor student, a 16 year old boy, and yet I am constantly thinking about whether what I am teaching is suitable for him or not. I don't believe I will take on another minor student, but that's really another thread.
With regard to testing, in Goju-ryu karate you remove your top (or down to a tshirt/tank for women) and are bare-chested during performance of Sanchin kata, so the teacher can confirm the correct muscle groups are tensioned or relaxed. You just can't do this with children without their parents being present to avoid the appearance of impropriety.
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