michaeledward said:
I can't understand how I get accused of 'doing nothing'.
Nobody accused you of 'doing nothing'....though, you are doing nothing. What I accuse you of is advocating 'doing nothing' as a plan of action, or at least, doing little.
michaeledward said:
I can't believe you are unable to comprehend what I actually write?
Oh, please, I know exactly what you've written....Let me paraphrase. 'There is no terrorist threa...,' er, I mean 'there IS no Bird Flu threat, it's all made up by the administration so they can take your attention off what's REALLY going on'.
michaeledward said:
Please stop attempting to dumb down my positions to your level.
You do like the simplistic insults, don't you. I say something you don't like (but I didn't insult you) and you use words like 'dumb down' and insinuate that's my 'level'. If you can't have a debate, without resorting to childish insults, then perhaps you need a 'time-out'. Please, have some self-respect.
michaeledward said:
Maybe this will help ... (but I doubt it)
It won't help, because it's a dodge. Your real issue is with the man himself, not with his policy on Bird Flu. That is the issue. You want to attack the administration for 'overreacting' which, quite frankly, most agree isn't happening in this case. I think I hit a nerve in pointing that out, though.
Your entire argument is based on faulty logic. For instance, you've maintained that there is no threat because there is no evidence the Bird Flu can transmit from human to human....yet. Well, no kidding. If it could, we'd already be in an epidemic. Perhaps there's something you are failing to understand. By the time the virus DOES mutate to a human to human contact form, the genie is out of the bottle, and it's too late to look for a stopper.
Overreacting may waste money, underracting has the potential to kill many people. I vote for overreaction in this circumstance. You may have faith in your proclaimations that there is no serious threat, but i'm far from convinced.