Big Brother


Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Well, here is another thing to worry about!!!

Check your drivers license.

Now you can see anyone's Driver's License on the Internet, including your

own! I just searched for mine and there it was...picture and all! Thanks

Homeland Security! Privacy, where is our right to it? I definitely removed

mine and I suggest you all do the same.

Maybe we should start up a petition or something protesting this.

What do you think? Go to the website and check it out. Just enter your name,

City and State to see if yours is on file. After your license comes on the


click the box marked "Please Remove".

This will! remove it from public viewing, but not from law enforcement. << click and paste

RandomPhantom700 said:
I can't believe this! How can anyone be allowed to get away with such a thing?! I'm writing my congressman!

Yes this really is a total violation of our rights! It makes you wonder who the heck is in charge of making these decisions! After seeing this it made me so angry!!! Sometimes I think a monkey could do a better job! Don't you agree?
How can they get away with that! I mean really, safety issues aside. My drivers license picture is horrible. I look like some scrawny monkey. Like I really want people thinking I look like that all the time.
RandomPhantom700 said:
Uh, yeah!

*wishing I could come up with a better response on only 4 hours of sleep*
It's ok I hear ya! :) And Nalia I know what you mean. I removed mine from the list...I don't want people seeing me like that!!!!
God, I look just as good in photos as I do in real life. As an interesting side note, MJ's pic looked like a monkey.
flatlander said:
God, I look just as good in photos as I do in real life. As an interesting side note, MJ's pic looked like a monkey.
Hey-ya!!! That's it I'm not sharing any more worms with you! :boing1:
KenpoTess said:
Maaaaaaan, I look like George Burns with fur~!! Egads, I need to get new glasses~!!! :D
Yeah I know it stinks having to have corrective lenses checked on your driver's license and then to have to have my photo taken in my glasses...geesh!:D
Huh? I got a prank license....some monkey face.... saying you didn't really think you could get a license over the internet....

Sorry, if I spoiled it...but don't know if they changed it from complaints...