Check out your Drivers' License

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
I received this the other day and thought I would share.


I was not aware of this capability , presuming that it is accurate .I received this information via e-mail today and thought I would share it .
Subject: Licenses online
This is scary: Now you can see anyone's Drivers License on the Internet, including your own! I just searched for mine and there it was, picture and all. It is supposed to be part of the new Homeland Security Act, to thwart terrorism, but I don't think this is a good idea at all - I think we should write our congressperson/senator!

Best Regards


I tried it, but there seems to be a glich.... it gave me yours instead. I'll try back tomorow...hopefully its fixed by then.

Well, looks like they found my fathers side of my family.
Tomorrow I'll see if I can find my mothers side.

Well you know I could not resist getting my Face on the internet and all.

Sometimes, you find your own, or you find a relative's, but no matter what you find, enjoy.
