biden wants to impeach Obama


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Joe Biden once warned George bush that if he went to war without the approval of congress, he, Joe biden would make it his job to impeach President Bush. This article discusses his past statements. I expect Mr. biden to begin impeachment proceedings post haste.

From the article:

After returning from his South American vacation, President Obama was slammed with disapproval from miffed lawmakers over Libya. Okay, that’s expected. But now it appears his own Vice President Joseph Robinette Biden JR, in a Hardball appearance in 2007, emphatically said that a president who launches a military operation without Congressional approval should be impeached! “I want to stand by that comment,” said Biden. “The reason I made it was as a warning. I don’t say those things lightly.” A-W-K-W-A-R-D! “Presumably, now that it’s his boss who’s entering a vaguely defined foreign military foray with no congressional entrance permission and no exit strategy, Joe has had a change of mind,” writes Andrew Malcolm in the LA Times. Now here’s a serious question: who wouldn’t give their right arm to be a fly on the wall during Obama’s next private lunch with Joe “professional foot-eater” Biden?

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Joe Biden once warned George bush that if he went to war without the approval of congress, he, Joe biden would make it his job to impeach President Bush. This article discusses his past statements. I expect Mr. biden to begin impeachment proceedings post haste.

From the article:

After returning from his South American vacation, President Obama was slammed with disapproval from miffed lawmakers over Libya. Okay, that’s expected. But now it appears his own Vice President Joseph Robinette Biden JR, in a Hardball appearance in 2007, emphatically said that a president who launches a military operation without Congressional approval should be impeached! “I want to stand by that comment,” said Biden. “The reason I made it was as a warning. I don’t say those things lightly.” A-W-K-W-A-R-D! “Presumably, now that it’s his boss who’s entering a vaguely defined foreign military foray with no congressional entrance permission and no exit strategy, Joe has had a change of mind,” writes Andrew Malcolm in the LA Times. Now here’s a serious question: who wouldn’t give their right arm to be a fly on the wall during Obama’s next private lunch with Joe “professional foot-eater” Biden?

What's really interesting about this situation is not that politicians have contradicted themselves, or gone back on their campaign promises. It is that the people (Obama / Biden) went so far as to say that the actions that they are now committing constitute an impeachable offense (Biden) or flat out unconstitutional (Obama), when they were committed by other people.
Perhaps we should impeach, an example pour encourager les autres. This Imperial Presidency thing has gotten out of hand and should be reigned in.

Of course, the people most likely to support such a move also showed themselves more than willing to tolerate or even glorify the Imperial Presidency when their team was in power. Thus any such move just becomes another partisan battle.
Perhaps we should impeach, an example pour encourager les autres. This Imperial Presidency thing has gotten out of hand and should be reigned in.

Of course, the people most likely to support such a move also showed themselves more than willing to tolerate or even glorify the Imperial Presidency when their team was in power. Thus any such move just becomes another partisan battle.

"are showing", "as" and "is" may appropriately replace the words in bold.

When the MSNBC pundits such as Maddow and Ed are absolutely giddy about the US conducting missile attacks against Libya and say that it is completely different than any Bush military actions because Obama does it with great style....well, you get the point.
"are showing", "as" and "is" may appropriately replace the words in bold.

When the MSNBC pundits such as Maddow and Ed are absolutely giddy about the US conducting missile attacks against Libya and say that it is completely different than any Bush military actions because Obama does it with great style....well, you get the point.

Your point is a valid one, but keep in mind that Gallup has Democratic approval of the war at 51% and Republican at 57%. The party is hardly in lockstep on this one.
Well, I could see merit in it if it actually was a war and not just shooting dome old ammunition off before it hits the experation date...

We can talk again if they actually consider sending ground troops for other than humanitarian efforts.
Well, I could see merit in it if it actually was a war and not just shooting dome old ammunition off before it hits the experation date...

We can talk again if they actually consider sending ground troops for other than humanitarian efforts.

You have me chuckling at the thought of the $65,000,000 or so in just cruise missiles in the initial attack as being just some sort "old ammunition" that was laying around and about to expire.

Time to order some fresh ones, just in case! :lol:
You have me chuckling at the thought of the $65,000,000 or so in just cruise missiles in the initial attack as being just some sort "old ammunition" that was laying around and about to expire.

Time to order some fresh ones, just in case! :lol:

you know that junk has been laying around for a ain't getting no better you know.

But seriously....(I epicly phailed the self discipline test...)
Shouldn't this be in the American Politics thingummie-wotsit?

Then again, it is an international event I suppose, so maybe not.

However, does it have to be the usual insane twisting of any topic into "Rebuplicans rock and Democrats eat babies (but only after putting them on spikes)"?

These things are really happening you know, it's not just TV. Disagreeing with your governments foreign policy is a good and just useage of free-speach and free-thought ... but it has to be with some actual thought and that cannot be done when all responses are dictated by party affiliation.

From my own life for example, I concurred with the decision to retake the Falkland Isles, despite it really being a cynical ploy for re-election by Mrs. Thatcher. Conversley I disagreed with both the wars in Iraq, despite their being presented by the Labour government as being undertaken for the good of the Iraqi people.

The intervention in Libya I am on the fence about.

On the one hand you can't stand idly by and watch a nations population being slaughtered back into submission by a dictator, not in the modern world at any rate, at least not when the power is there to stop it (China and Russia got 'passes' through being too hard; you have to pick fights you can win after all).

On the other hand, does Gaddafi have legitimacy, making intervention actually an invasion?

I would probably say no he doesn't, given that power came to him through a coup. Legitmacy takes a while to accumulate under those circumstances and he doesn't have it.
However, does it have to be the usual insane twisting of any topic into "Rebuplicans rock and Democrats eat babies (but only after putting them on spikes)"?

That's horrible.... always marinate, grill, then rest prior to piercing the meat, otherwise all the juices escape. :D
At this point in time nothing surprises me anymore... Congress is slowly becoming ineffectual as the men behind the curtain are directing their man living at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
War is money... the more the better.
Perhaps they're impatient with how long Lybia is taking to fall apart, so directing the present commander in chief to go to town... don't worry they'll take care of Congress.
On Facebook I see a lot of people griping about how the other Arab nations aren't pitching in to help. Why should they... knowing that we can't resist a conflict and will soon get our fingers into it.

It's all going down hill slowly but surely. Something big is looming on the horizon... as soon as all the chess pieces are in place.
At this point in time nothing surprises me anymore... Congress is slowly becoming ineffectual as the men behind the curtain are directing their man living at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
War is money... the more the better.
Perhaps they're impatient with how long Lybia is taking to fall apart, so directing the present commander in chief to go to town... don't worry they'll take care of Congress.
On Facebook I see a lot of people griping about how the other Arab nations aren't pitching in to help. Why should they... knowing that we can't resist a conflict and will soon get our fingers into it.

It's all going down hill slowly but surely. Something big is looming on the horizon... as soon as all the chess pieces are in place.

While the nations themselves may not be pitching in and helping much, at least Al Qaeda is fighting with the USA on behalf of the Libyan opposition.

Interestingly, one of the significant methods of gaining the support of the Libyan people hasn't been to rid the country of a tyrant, but as NBC's Richard Engel reports, "1 in 5 rebels were fighting Gaddafi because they said he was Jewish."
While the nations themselves may not be pitching in and helping much, at least Al Qaeda is fighting with the USA on behalf of the Libyan opposition.

Interestingly, one of the significant methods of gaining the support of the Libyan people hasn't been to rid the country of a tyrant, but as NBC's Richard Engel reports, "1 in 5 rebels were fighting Gaddafi because they said he was Jewish."

We should be happy then.
It proof that there are ignorant people all over the world and 'Jay Walkers' are universal. :D
This show cover art seems appropriate for the OP.


You have me chuckling at the thought of the $65,000,000 or so in just cruise missiles in the initial attack as being just some sort "old ammunition" that was laying around and about to expire.

Time to order some fresh ones, just in case! :lol:

I had bad information. Based on the news reports this morning, the cruise missiles are $1.06 million each and 162 have been fired, putting it up over $171 million in cruise missles. The war against Libya is costing over $600,000,000 a week. A deal compared to Afghanistan right now.
Thread title was a bit misleading, since it doesn't appear that Biden has actually called Obama out on it yet. I wouldn't expect him to, either, at least not publicly.

Like Sukerkin, I'm on the fence about Libya. I can see differences between Bush's going into Iraq and Obama's going into Libya, but on the face of it, the similarities aren't to be ignored, given Obama's prior reasons for opposing Iraq.
Thread title was a bit misleading, since it doesn't appear that Biden has actually called Obama out on it yet. I wouldn't expect him to, either, at least not publicly.

I think the purpose of the thread title was to draw attention to Biden's hypocrisy, because Biden will not call Obama out on it.

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