michaeledward said:The word 'marriage' has all sorts of wonderful connotations to it, that are not included in the homophobic definition of "a union of one man and one woman".
The word 'marriage' means more than a union ... here are a few words that are wrapped up within the term 'marriage' ...
... soul-mate
... lover
... partner
... better-half
... friend
... but these words are not inclusive of the term 'civil union'.
Hell, TIME and WARNER formed a civil union, then AOL and TIME-WARNER formed a civil union.
Marriage is so much more than a 'union'.
Kane is trying slight of hand .... hey, let's call all legal associations a civil union; so the state doesn't sanction marriage. What he is not saying, but I am inferring, is that 'marriage' would still be available as a term within a religion; kind-a like a secret handshake.
The correct question is .... why should gay couple be denied all of the wonderful connotations within the word 'marriage'?
Why can't our gay friends have 'soul-mates', 'lovers', and 'better-halfs'?
I don't see why anyone has to view "a union of one man and one woman" homophobic. I don't don't hate gays. Why don't you call this a racial issue to?

And you can easily use those terms for anything like. Why not call your cat a soul mate or lover? Certianly if we use these words to define marriage it would not fall in the realms of only that other union but all unions.
But HEY? What's wrong with thinking marriage is between a you and your cat? Who really cares what you do and what you believe. Believe what you want. If you want a symbolic union between you and your cat marry if you like. Reality can be anything you want, so can marriage. If you think that marriage should be between a man and a woman, that is good. Most likelly most people will agree with but it certianly doesn't force to the state to take a stance on the issue.
If marriage becomes a term within religion, fine go ahead. It certianly doesn't force someone to agree with you on the subject. You want people to view homosexual unions equal to marriage? Start going around and telling your message. You can change anything you like in society but the government should always remain neutral.
How can anything else be more logic than this solutionl? Its only the people who strongly believe in their belief whatever it maybe that wants marriage to be their way.