Best Martial Art For self Defends...

It all depends on how you are wanting to defend yourself and what your personal strengths are. In general any style could be very effective in a particular situation. Are you looking for a style based around self-defence? Depending on what you have in your area it could narrow your styles to choose from. With all of the hype(not trying to be offensive with the word hype) over adrenal-stress training you might want to look into that.
IMO, Self-defence is maybe 10% martial arts at best, so choose what is fun, unless it is job related in which case it depends on the job. But go with what you enjoy, otherwise it won't last anyways.

But as far as the physical goes, something that gets you in good shape and pushes you physically and mentally.
If you like to enter an attack, look at some of the standing grappling styles. If you like to go to the ground, look into some of the ground grappling styles. If you like to back up and strike back, look into the striking styles. It's just as much about your temperament as it is technique, if not more so. Don't neglect the other styles, but use that to get a "base" art.

The best art for self defense is using your head, think.
The second best is using your feet, run.
The third best is using your voice.
Any Martial arts with or without weapons that suits you is a poor fourth and will probably get you hurt unless you know something of number 1, 2 or 3.
Cirdan said:
The best art for self defense is using your head, think.
The second best is using your feet, run.
The third best is using your voice.
Any Martial arts with or without weapons that suits you is a poor fourth and will probably get you hurt unless you know something of number 1, 2 or 3.

Total agreement except that (any) MA is better than whirlwind schoolyard punches and kicks and silly grappeling on the ground without effect.
Your awareness (#1) is going to keep you out of trouble more than anything else. Using your eyes and ears and common-sense to watch and becareful of everything is your best self defends.
Your feet and legs and stamina (#2) is gonna get you out of trouble faster than you got into it, or at least until you get to a public/crowded place or your vehicle and then you can drive-away from trouble. Just tell your significant other/friend/relative to keep up!
Screaming your head off irrationally ain't gonna cut it... it'll get attention but you'll look/feel like a fool, no? So your cell phone (who doesn't have one??... I don't :rolleyes: ) (#3) is gonna get help TO you while you're doing #2 (running, not the other one).

Having some type of MA training in whatever art will help depending upon the situation. You can hypotheticalize, theorize and guess what will/may happen but you'll never know exactly what you'll be capable of doing until it happens.
Read the forums and don't worry about what is THE best art; that debate will go on forever by the narrow minded ... they're all crappy in the hands of crappy (martial) artists, and they're all magnificent in the hands of magnificent (martial) artists and they're all somewhere in between depending upon the person learning/practicing the art, whatever it may be.
You're going to be the one that will determine if the art you choose is great or not for self defense.
Self Defence, or Self Protection, is 90% mindset and 10% technique. So, go find a martial art that offers basic gross motor skill techniques, which are trained/drilled and applied correctly, as part of the syllabus.

Easy to teach = Easy to learn = Easy to apply.

Take care,

Karate_Warrior said:
Wich martial art do you think is the best for self defends?

The "Martial Art" is a lifestyle, philosophy, and skill set adopted by those who value life, live to enjoy life, act in accordance with the laws of nature, and train to protect and preserve life in a just, moral, and honorable way.

The "Self Defense" skills of any system will only be as effective as they are naturally, and scientifically capable, as well as they are taught by a good instructor, and practiced and performed properly by the student. Garbage in = garbage out. Quality instruction in, might result in garbage out if you do not train properly.

What "martial art" is best for self defense, is not as pertinent of a question as what are the qualifications of the instructor (ability to teach proper skills), and how dedicated will you be to learning what they teach. An instructor that knows what they are doing (regardless of what they call their training) will possess the knowledge of skills that work, and will have the training to be able to teach students well.

For the "best self defense," look for an instructor who teaches you to avoid fights (self defense = defending yourself, not attacking others, or picking fights). Find one who teaches you, when attacked, to avoid getting hit (logical, isn't it?); when you are grabbed, how to escape; when you are taken to the ground, how to survive, escape, or defeat your attacker on the ground. Find an instructor who can teach you how to strike effectively with multiple tools (hands, elbows, knees, feet), how to use pressure points, joint locks, and holds, and how to effectively throw an opponent to the ground.

Basically, find an instructor with a good reputation, solid credentials (not only as a skilled Martial Artist, but as a trained instructor), and many years of successful teaching (the proof is in the pudding - or the product of their instruction). A person who has been successful in real-life self defense might have some valuable insights to contribute, but does not necessarily make them a good teacher! A person who has been teaching for a short time might be inexperienced, and will likely make mistakes. Look for a chain of command (a teacher over the teacher).

A teacher who relies only on what they have experienced, or "figured out" through hands-on fighting has a limited knowledge of self defense. A good instructor gains knowledge by learning from the many resources available, and passed down by many skilled people, over many life-times - - more information than one person could possibly "figure out on their own" in one life-time.

Good Luck with your search!
CM D.J. Eisenhart
Cirdan said:
The best art for self defense is using your head, think.
The second best is using your feet, run.
The third best is using your voice.
Any Martial arts with or without weapons that suits you is a poor fourth and will probably get you hurt unless you know something of number 1, 2 or 3.

VERY well put!
Cirdan said:
The best art for self defense is using your head, think.
The second best is using your feet, run.
The third best is using your voice.
Any Martial arts with or without weapons that suits you is a poor fourth and will probably get you hurt unless you know something of number 1, 2 or 3.

Yup, that about sums it up.
There has been some awesome wisdom in these posts. Cool! Besides awareness and the willingness to evacuate a bad situation, I really like Jeffj's statement:

It's just as much about your temperament as it is technique, if not more so.

Hello, Yes using your head and practice awareness (don;'t be caught in stupid places) is right on!

Many people underestimate the art of "JUDO"...besides learning how to fall and throw, they have chokes, locks and striking technique's as well!

This art is the very basic for all other arts...learn this will not need anything else.

Is has fallen in number of people training in Judo. Do not underestimate JUDO!

Anyone caught unbalance...will fall...........Aloha