Best MA for privates/distance learning


Brown Belt
I just don't have access to a school nearby. Closest one is an hour away and if I'm going to drive an hour, I might just as well drive a couple to the nearest city, trouble is, with work, and scheduling problems, I can't make a four hour plus round trip drive plus two or three times a week. What I can do is make arrangements in a great city where I've got some relatives, and can make it every couple of weeks. Here are my problems making such arrangements-not every martial art is suited to this kind of thing. There is a JKD/Kali guy who was recommended to me by someone on the board but to be honest, there isn't a whole lot of point because I will have no one to do the myriad stick, blade and they do some sticky hands too, stuff with. That's tough with noone to train with. I'm thinking something with forms, perhaps two man forms I can work on both sides of til meeting with the instructor again. The other problem I find is with instructors. Quite a few are unable to accomodate the idea of having a student with my circumstances. I know and understand the shortcomings of learning this way, I certainly would rather my situation were otherwise, but this is the way things are for now. I find one of the main sticking points is that I might be outside of a belt system schedule some are very used to. I have done private lessons before and while some things are very tough to learn, other things go very, very fast. Basics and techniques come a lot quicker with the extra attention. Because things are a little different, I don't mind not being on the belt system at all, just interested in learning, say that to some instructors and they will look at you like you just grew another head. Any suggestions? I know that some traditional CMA have been taught private lesson style, and its not that uncommon, throughout CMA history. Thanks in advance for any replies to a tough question.
tough situation. Try and find a flexible teacher, learn some katas, and if they have video tapes of the material that will help you train at home.
good luck, let us know how it goes!
Try to find something that is not too complicated, and like Stickarts pointed to a video library or supplements, but something that the actual instructor where ever you enroll, would recommend, not one of these wild black belt courses. Its tough sometimes work is definately more important. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
Thanks stickarts, evenflow, good suggestions, I'm training with DVDs and videos now but it is only a shadow of actual directed study with an instructor. Thanks for the replies.
i've had good luck and a lot of fun with the goju-shorei weapons system distance learning.

the motions are fairly simple, the weapon (cane) is way wicked fun, and sokei mcneil (head of system) always has time on the phone or email to answer questions.

good stuff.
I am wondering where you are that is so disconnected from the rest of the world. It may be that if you share some geography, someone on the board may be able to recommend a person or studio that is unknown to you.
lonecoyote said:
I know that some traditional CMA have been taught private lesson style, and its not that uncommon, throughout CMA history.

CMA private lessons can be very good.

CMA distance learning, not so good, too complicated. And depending on the CMA you choose, some can be harder than others do to the possibility (or necessity) of internal work or partner training.

But it also depends on what you hope to gain from training.
lonecoyote said:
I just don't have access to a school nearby. Closest one is an hour away and if I'm going to drive an hour, I might just as well drive a couple to the nearest city, trouble is, with work, and scheduling problems, I can't make a four hour plus round trip drive plus two or three times a week.

If the training was good, if the instructor was worth learning from, an hour drive is not bad at all. I know people who would make that hour drive as well as travel thousands of miles to train with people at seminars/camps.

Sometimes the best instruction is not around the corner.

Yep, all good points!
The videos are a great supplement, but no substitute for a good instructor(s).
Price and convenience are considerations but finding the right instructor is most important, even if it means a drive.

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