Benefits of associations?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rob_Broad
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Who should benefit

  • The organiztion

  • The student

  • Both

  • Doesn't matter I don't believe in Associations

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Perhaps offense will be taken at this post, but it seems to me that most of the latter portions of this post could be better handled on the mudhut venue.

Culturally, we are constantly changing. All of us, no matter our location. The advent of the web and forums such as this tend to create radical change. Generations change. It is something we all, from surviving generations, have to deal with.

Clyde, rebellion for rebellion's sake isn't always a good thing. I'm not saying that to get an argument started... You know me better than that. That would be the Right Reverend BoB's job! :lol:

It has been an observation of mine, that for better or worse, in the past, and to this day, that the amount of courtesy, and respect, that any one person shows to others is an indicator of the amount of respect that they have for themselves.

Culturally, we in America, still have some of us who like the idea of courtesy. It is as much a matter of convenience as anything else. If you are nice, and respectful, you may get further in the things you are attempting to accomplish.

Respect, and courtesy are personal things. There are, by virtue of our history on this planet, certain things that everyone wants. I'm not sure, but somehow, I suspect that respect is located somewhere in Maslov's Hierarchy of Needs.

Familiarity, unwarranted, or un-asked for does not fit into "my" paradigm of respect. You and I are on a first name basis, based on our years of interaction. If you want to call me a "Dick head" over something that we disagree on, we would, in all likelihood, laugh about it and agree to disagree, whereas, someone who calls me a "Dick head", of whom I have no knowledge or track record of interface, could be cruising for the proverbial bruising.

What goes further, in my mind, to curry this particular trend, is the newly given anonymity in our culture. People can, with virtual impunity, come on a web and simply because someone disagrees with them, take an argument to a personal, vindictive, inane level without clarifying anything, ameliorating any situation, or correcting anything. much like the constant generalizations about the AKKI people being mud-slingers, or Doc's credibility.

This kind of mud slinging, by ANYONE, does no honor to ANYONE, and in fact, tends to make the slinger look a little less than honorable, knowledgeable, mature, or thinking.

<sigh> It has crossed my mind on more than one occasion that some old customs should still be around. For example... If you have that large a bone to pick with someone, you should be able to call them out in the street at high noon, and have a show down. That's a one time, guns blazing, it's over ... Someone is right (alive) and someone is wrong (dead) kind of thing. Then, perhaps, we could all get on with our lives, without the childishness.

Ahhh ... Well ... Back to my hermitage here on Farmer Mountain.

Take care,

Dan "You can call me Mr., but you doesn't has to call me twister" Farmer:rofl:
Originally posted by Sigung86

Perhaps offense will be taken at this post, but it seems to me that most of the latter portions of this post could be better handled on the mudhut venue.

Culturally, we are constantly changing. All of us, no matter our location. The advent of the web and forums such as this tend to create radical change. Generations change. It is something we all, from surviving generations, have to deal with.

Clyde, rebellion for rebellion's sake isn't always a good thing. I'm not saying that to get an argument started... You know me better than that. That would be the Right Reverend BoB's job! :lol:

It has been an observation of mine, that for better or worse, in the past, and to this day, that the amount of courtesy, and respect, that any one person shows to others is an indicator of the amount of respect that they have for themselves.

Culturally, we in America, still have some of us who like the idea of courtesy. It is as much a matter of convenience as anything else. If you are nice, and respectful, you may get further in the things you are attempting to accomplish.

Respect, and courtesy are personal things. There are, by virtue of our history on this planet, certain things that everyone wants. I'm not sure, but somehow, I suspect that respect is located somewhere in Maslov's Hierarchy of Needs.

Familiarity, unwarranted, or un-asked for does not fit into "my" paradigm of respect. You and I are on a first name basis, based on our years of interaction. If you want to call me a "Dick head" over something that we disagree on, we would, in all likelihood, laugh about it and agree to disagree, whereas, someone who calls me a "Dick head", of whom I have no knowledge or track record of interface, could be cruising for the proverbial bruising.

What goes further, in my mind, to curry this particular trend, is the newly given anonymity in our culture. People can, with virtual impunity, come on a web and simply because someone disagrees with them, take an argument to a personal, vindictive, inane level without clarifying anything, ameliorating any situation, or correcting anything. much like the constant generalizations about the AKKI people being mud-slingers, or Doc's credibility.

This kind of mud slinging, by ANYONE, does no honor to ANYONE, and in fact, tends to make the slinger look a little less than honorable, knowledgeable, mature, or thinking.

<sigh> It has crossed my mind on more than one occasion that some old customs should still be around. For example... If you have that large a bone to pick with someone, you should be able to call them out in the street at high noon, and have a show down. That's a one time, guns blazing, it's over ... Someone is right (alive) and someone is wrong (dead) kind of thing. Then, perhaps, we could all get on with our lives, without the childishness.

Ahhh ... Well ... Back to my hermitage here on Farmer Mountain.

Take care,

Dan "You can call me Mr., but you doesn't has to call me twister" Farmer:rofl:

Well, maybe Clyde is gonna be the new James "Rebel W/O a Cause" Dean?

Speaking of that last paragraph, I know a few Principals on my job I 'd like to take out to the parking lot, and beat the snot out of them. They got no guts! Pencil pushing wimps, now you got me going Dan!:soapbox:
Originally posted by Sigung86

Perhaps offense will be taken at this post, but it seems to me that most of the latter portions of this post could be better handled on the mudhut venue.

Culturally, we are constantly changing. All of us, no matter our location. The advent of the web and forums such as this tend to create radical change. Generations change. It is something we all, from surviving generations, have to deal with.

Clyde, rebellion for rebellion's sake isn't always a good thing. I'm not saying that to get an argument started... You know me better than that. That would be the Right Reverend BoB's job! :lol:

It has been an observation of mine, that for better or worse, in the past, and to this day, that the amount of courtesy, and respect, that any one person shows to others is an indicator of the amount of respect that they have for themselves.

Culturally, we in America, still have some of us who like the idea of courtesy. It is as much a matter of convenience as anything else. If you are nice, and respectful, you may get further in the things you are attempting to accomplish.

Respect, and courtesy are personal things. There are, by virtue of our history on this planet, certain things that everyone wants. I'm not sure, but somehow, I suspect that respect is located somewhere in Maslov's Hierarchy of Needs.

Familiarity, unwarranted, or un-asked for does not fit into "my" paradigm of respect. You and I are on a first name basis, based on our years of interaction. If you want to call me a "Dick head" over something that we disagree on, we would, in all likelihood, laugh about it and agree to disagree, whereas, someone who calls me a "Dick head", of whom I have no knowledge or track record of interface, could be cruising for the proverbial bruising.

What goes further, in my mind, to curry this particular trend, is the newly given anonymity in our culture. People can, with virtual impunity, come on a web and simply because someone disagrees with them, take an argument to a personal, vindictive, inane level without clarifying anything, ameliorating any situation, or correcting anything. much like the constant generalizations about the AKKI people being mud-slingers, or Doc's credibility.

This kind of mud slinging, by ANYONE, does no honor to ANYONE, and in fact, tends to make the slinger look a little less than honorable, knowledgeable, mature, or thinking.

<sigh> It has crossed my mind on more than one occasion that some old customs should still be around. For example... If you have that large a bone to pick with someone, you should be able to call them out in the street at high noon, and have a show down. That's a one time, guns blazing, it's over ... Someone is right (alive) and someone is wrong (dead) kind of thing. Then, perhaps, we could all get on with our lives, without the childishness.

Ahhh ... Well ... Back to my hermitage here on Farmer Mountain.

Take care,

Dan "You can call me Mr., but you doesn't has to call me twister" Farmer:rofl:

Mr. Farmer,
Be completely honest now and tell us how you REALLY feel :rofl:
Well said and does make a lot sense.....I think what you said holds true you can disagree and still show a tremendous amount of respect I think one of the big problems I have seen though is certain people who claim to be holding the banner of respect high take disagreement as a personal attack. That is extremely disrespectful in my book. I was raised by my grandpa and recieved quite a few lessons in common courtesy and respect, I used sir/maam, please/thank you or I recieved corporal punishement on the spot...if he found out about it later it was even worse!
I try to be courteous, I ask alot of questions, when I dont think something sounds right I will ask more about it or say I dont think its right. Some people place themselves so high on the heirchey that they deem this as being disrespectful. When it frakly it is just the opposite. I respected them in my demenor and I respected them enough to ask them or speak to them about the issue that means i usually trust and value their experience and respect them...yes respect them! Ive heard people several times state the fact that its a privledge to ask certain people question, people who seem to always be talking about being disrespected. Its not a privledge to be honest I think its an obligation due to your position of respect. Just like cant take it with you but you can set it up to where others can use it after your long gone!!!
As to the shoot outs at high noon, i dont think the city could work the street cleanup into the budget so you might have to stand on tarps when you do it...but that sounds like a reality show waiting to happen to me!!!!

Brian "not at the doughnut shop" Hunter
Thank you for taking the time to put your view in print.

I get tired of all the apologist, saying "this post may get me in trouble", or some other disclaimer, then slamming other posters. I also resent having to read posts that clearly will elicit negative responses. That is why I ended up spending more time on this forum, than on others. There is nothing wrong with agreeing to disagree, but when it becomes a reciprical bashing of each other, the line needs to be drawn. Since I do believe in 1st ammendment rights, I draw the line by ignoring the posts, and usually not reading further posts in the same vein.

Brian Hunter, bravo for a good post that shares some of yourself, and your values. Anytime someone does this, there is some risk of an ego-smashing by some "ravenous individual." Maybe I am being too harsh, maybe it is just a function of lack of maturity that someone:

1. Has to "Win"
2. Has to have the last word.
3. Cannot ignore what is clearly "baiting" remarks.

Come on guys, can't we all play nice on this forum? If not, please take it off line, or at least to direct emails.

Guns at high noon, did not settle who was right or wrong ... just who was left.

My opinion and a nickle won't get you much.

Originally posted by eternalwhitebelt

I have a sneaking feeling that your thoughts come from your police background.

I get cussed out flipped off, called names, threatened all the time id like to think I handle it have jerks in law enforcement just like you have jerks in kenpo...Id like to think Im not half bad ;)

If you go demanding to be called "officer, seargent. sir" or whatever your just doing your part to escalate something your trying to calm down anyways......There are good cops out there keep the faith!
Originally posted by brianhunter

I get cussed out flipped off, called names, threatened all the time id like to think I handle it have jerks in law enforcement just like you have jerks in kenpo...Id like to think Im not half bad ;)

If you go demanding to be called "officer, seargent. sir" or whatever your just doing your part to escalate something your trying to calm down anyways......There are good cops out there keep the faith!

That is being a bit positive don't you think???? :D
Originally posted by jeffkyle

That is being a bit positive don't you think???? :D

Hey your half empty Im half full (of it) it all comes out in the wash
Originally posted by brianhunter

Hey your half empty Im half full (of it) it all comes out in the wash

Along with all of your spare change.
Originally posted by arnisador

Sushi is raw fish. I won't brook any dissension on this point.

Good, I was about ready to call the FDA!:rofl:
Originally posted by arnisador

Sushi is raw fish. I won't brook any dissension on this point.

Sushi is bait to catch bigger fish!
Sashimi is actually raw fish. Sushi is still cooked by the oxidation of sauces and vinegars, just not by heat.

Sorry but my wife beats this into me every time I say raw fish is Sushi.


Originally posted by Michael Billings

My opinion and a nickle won't get you much.


A dollar isn't a dollar without a nickle!

Originally posted by Sigung86

Clyde, rebellion for rebellion's sake isn't always a good thing. I'm not saying that to get an argument started... You know me better than that. That would be the Right Reverend BoB's job! :lol:

Dan "You can call me Mr., but you doesn't has to call me twister" Farmer:rofl:

Of course I know that Dan (Notice the first name LOL) but it's not a rebellion, it's what I've always thought about issues such as these. I figure anyone who demands respect doesn't need it, and I certainly won't be the one who gives it, in speech or in action. I've also got some pretty radical views on Immigration and Import/Export policy of the U.S. but I can save that for Netmeeting when you get it running again (Big Hint).

Have a great Kenpo day

Mr. Farmer,

I agree with most of what you have posted although I am sure some of it was directed to me for the simple fact that I would doubt you would direct any of it toward your instructor. The times are a changin'. I still find it strange that people would be offended by someone calling them by their first name. It would never cross my mind to reject someone on such simple terms. Doc stated that everyone deserves respect untill they prove otherwise, well Hell I believe the same thing. I also believe that everyone is my friend untill they prove otherwise. Is this so difficult to understand? If you read back through the posts there were simple questions asked, even after a disparaging remark that started it all, these questions were never answered and never are. Doc could put a lot of the negtivity towards him to rest if he would just anwser some simple questions. Okay moving on..

To extend this topic beyond common courtesy...into the martial arts.....sorry Doc....

What are your beliefs as far as respect in the martial arts? I think sometimes the b.s. goes to far. I have seen stuents bow to each other every time they go through a repition of a technique. Every time! At some point is it not redundent? At a seminar once the instructor had us stand in a horse stance for 30 minutes while he talked about his relationship with Ed Parker. He was offended because I stood in a natural stance after about 5 minutes. He began to reprimand me, saying I had no discipline and lacked common courtesy. Considering I have served time during combat I did not take it well to say the least. Was I disrepectful towards my elder, or was I realistic about getting my money's worth at a seminar and not wanting to stand around all day?

I think the point I was trying to make earlier when the good doctor became belligerent, was that none of us, by studying the martial arts, are finding a cure for cancer. That is what I meant when I said that people take them selves too seriously. There is an abundance of ******** in this business, and I just try to call it as I see it. I hear people say all of the time oh so and so is/ was a great man. You are disrespecting him by saing or doing so and so. I mean give me a break. It is the martial arts for gods sake! How many people have been saved from persecution? MLK and Ghandi and Harriet Tubman are turning over in their graves. Those are great people. My cousin was killed in combat while trying to save four other soldiers who were trapped. He was nineteen. He was a great MAN.
Usually the person we are talking about did nothing but get rich off of teaching people how to fight. I have no problem with that but just because you can whup someones *** it does not make you a great man. The ******** needs to stop, we are all in this together and if people try to put themselves on a pedastal I for one am going to try to nock them off.

I don't no what the hell this post is about and I know it sounds angry but I get up set with this putting martial artists on a pedastal. Going to seminars and seeing people be treated like servants and afraid to ask questions because the instructor makes them feel ignorant because they don't know anythng about the "real kenpo." Or hearing what you are learning is commercial kenpo not the real deal, it is not as effective. Give me a break and get over yourself already.

Now that I am sure I have offended everyone I will go deal with my issues and seek counseling.
:soapbox: :soapbox: :asian: :cool: :D :(
signing off
Dr., Mr., Master, Sigung, Guru, Pendekar, Datu, husband, father, son, cousin, veteran, civilian, friend, teacher, student,
Originally posted by arnisador

Sushi is raw fish. I won't brook any dissension on this point.

Do you mean this in a serious vein, or are you being humorous?

Sushi is not raw fish. Sushi is often made with raw fish. Raw fish is in sushi, but not all sushi has raw fish...

Tamago (sweet egg omelette)
Ebi (cooked shrimp)
Kappa-maki (cucumber roll)
Futo-maki (whatever you have left over on the table goes into this one! :D)
Natto-maki (foul smelling fermented soybeans :barf: with a bitter taste; extremely healthy, but nasty nonetheless)

And there are others that, while made with fish, are not raw... (crab and mackeral come to mind, and there are others)

Hope you were just being humorous. There are better things to get into scuffles about than food...

Could we please get back onto the subject of the Benefit of Associations.
Originally posted by Sigung86

Culturally, we are constantly changing. All of us, no matter our location. The advent of the web and forums such as this tend to create radical change. Generations change. It is something we all, from surviving generations, have to deal with.

While times may change, standards must remain...

Clyde, rebellion for rebellion's sake isn't always a good thing. I'm not saying that to get an argument started... You know me better than that. That would be the Right Reverend BoB's job! :lol:

I dunno... :idunno: Sometimes I think rebellion for rebellion's sake may be constructive, depending on the circumstances...

It has been an observation of mine, that for better or worse, in the past, and to this day, that the amount of courtesy, and respect, that any one person shows to others is an indicator of the amount of respect that they have for themselves.

While I would agree with that, I would also point out that a person may well have a great degree of self-respect, but be completely incapable of showing respect to others based on their own personality traits... Some folks are just plain ol' tough to get along with...

Culturally, we in America, still have some of us who like the idea of courtesy. It is as much a matter of convenience as anything else. If you are nice, and respectful, you may get further in the things you are attempting to accomplish.

Momma always tol' me that you kin catch more flies with honey than ya kin with vinegar... :ladiesman:

Respect, and courtesy are personal things. There are, by virtue of our history on this planet, certain things that everyone wants. I'm not sure, but somehow, I suspect that respect is located somewhere in Maslov's Hierarchy of Needs.

I would have to agree again... Nobody likes being treated poorly or in a disrespectful fashion. Everyone chafes when dealing with rudeness, no matter the situation.

Familiarity, unwarranted, or un-asked for does not fit into "my" paradigm of respect. You and I are on a first name basis, based on our years of interaction. If you want to call me a "Dick head" over something that we disagree on, we would, in all likelihood, laugh about it and agree to disagree, whereas, someone who calls me a "Dick head", of whom I have no knowledge or track record of interface, could be cruising for the proverbial bruising.

Seems you and I have a lot of similar beliefs! :D I had a run in once with a soldier that worked for me... We were the same rank, and he presumed to walk up one day and start calling me by my first name... Hardly anyone calls me by "Matt." It is usually just "Stone," or (even by peers) "SGT Stone." There are only 3 people in the world that call me "Matthew," and one of them is dead... :( So I asked the guy - "Am I your girlfriend? Are you sleeping with me? Since when do you presume we are close enough for you to call me by my first name?" I was a little hot about the whole thing - 19 and inexperienced in interpersonal relations, and to top it off the guy hit on my wife constantly... :ticked:

This kind of mud slinging, by ANYONE, does no honor to ANYONE, and in fact, tends to make the slinger look a little less than honorable, knowledgeable, mature, or thinking.

Like the bitching session that Kirk and I just engaged in? :D:D:D

<sigh> It has crossed my mind on more than one occasion that some old customs should still be around. For example... If you have that large a bone to pick with someone, you should be able to call them out in the street at high noon, and have a show down. That's a one time, guns blazing, it's over ... Someone is right (alive) and someone is wrong (dead) kind of thing. Then, perhaps, we could all get on with our lives, without the childishness.

Well, I don't know about a showdown in the middle of the street, but it sure would be nice to be able to get some folks in the ring periodically... By becoming too "civilized" to allow dueling, armed or unarmed, we eliminated the one form of sanctioned private violence for the settling of disputes and quarrels... Oh well, that's progress I guess...

As for Associations and Who Should Benefit from them...

An association serves what purpose? To elevate the president of the association to a grander level? No.

An association should serve (and the emphasis is deliberate) the members. It should promote the art and provide for benefits of membership to the members. If it does neither of these things, what's the point?

Originally posted by arnisador

Indeed, I was--or trying to I should say.

Knowing you (well, kind of, by association, anyway - it is hard for me to think that someone John speaks well of would be a *&#$@^@^*$#*&$), I figured as much...

Just didn't want to piss anyone off...
