Been gone sorry

To everybody in the TKD forum sorry for being gone over the last month, but took a job teaching first graders at a Charter school and been devoting time for my own personal workouts. The school is growing slowly but that is good at least it is growing in the right direction. My training is getting me back to where I want to be as far as techs. goes. I am down to 242.4 at this very moment so I have lost a total of 37.3 lbs., I am well on my way to that magical mark of below 200 so wish me the very best in my goals. I am hopeing to compete this year at Nationals or should ay next July, it will be the first time in nearly 12 years.

I see we have alot of new faces herein the TKD section, let me take this time to say hello and glad to see this part of the forum hoping again.

Well classes start so I need to get ready to teach these fine folks.

Welcome Back and congrats on the weight loss. Keep it up.
I have a first grader, I bet that would be a fun age to teach.
Good Luck on your weight loss journey, I start back to Weight Watcher's on Monday - hope to lose 30-40 lbs ... would like to be able to buy new uniforms in smaller sizes :)
I have a first grader, I bet that would be a fun age to teach.
Good Luck on your weight loss journey, I start back to Weight Watcher's on Monday - hope to lose 30-40 lbs ... would like to be able to buy new uniforms in smaller sizes :)

I am sure you will reach your goals

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