Become a fighting machine

So you are saying that MMA help prepare him to take 5 bullets?
Teacher stopped school shooting
School Office admin talks down gunman
Female teacher stops school shooting
Student takes gun from a university shooter

None of these people were MMA fighters and none of them had MMA fighting skills.

Man in wheel chair stops robbery

Exept i am not really sure you evidence is invalidating mine.

Birds fly.

No you are wrong because planes fly?

And boop.
Jon Jones catches a robber in Paterson N.J., before UFC 128 fight
Whilst MMA will of course teach you to throw a good punch (and many other things of course) if your experiences have so far been of being atatcked by groups, then you will need to find some other way training that seperatly, as MMA doesn't generally teach you to deal with multiple attackers.

Not really. A martial art does not actually have to be that specific. It just has to be fundamentally well built.

And there is nothing stopping you from learning extra skill. Like in OP, s case he is doing fitness on the side.

I have mentioned that fox karamit before. Specifically a self defence knife. But as a basic design it is a dud.

OP will probably find the same issue with the krav. He may train specifically for multiples or whatever but if the instructors are getting ranked up in two weeks. Then the basic design is a dud.
Exept i am not really sure you evidence is invalidating mine.

Birds fly.

No you are wrong because planes fly?

And boop.
Jon Jones catches a robber in Paterson N.J., before UFC 128 fight
I'm not trying to invalidate what you post.
It's just that you think only MMA fighters stop criminals

Please See mark (7:00 and 7:56) or just watch the entire video because it's good. This is the point that those who are familiar with the the difference between self-defense and sports fighting are trying to get across to you.
I'm not trying to invalidate what you post.
It's just that you think only MMA fighters stop criminals

Please See mark (7:00 and 7:56) or just watch the entire video because it's good. This is the point that those who are familiar with the the difference between self-defense and sports fighting are trying to get across to you.

Show me where i said only mma fighters stop criminals. I was going for mma is validated buy successful verifiable street experience.

Now there are not that many martial arts that can claim the same.

MMA fighters subdue armed gunman in robbery attempt at Los Angeles hotel

How exactly are you familiar with the difference between self defence and sports?

Does sport jujitsu really reflect the same dynamics as sport mma?
I'm not trying to invalidate what you post.
It's just that you think only MMA fighters stop criminals

Please See mark (7:00 and 7:56) or just watch the entire video because it's good. This is the point that those who are familiar with the the difference between self-defense and sports fighting are trying to get across to you.

The main difference between SD Bjj and Sport Bjj is the exclusion of striking. The point Gracies are talking about here is that when you add striking to the equation, it changes how you grapple and sport Bjj guys should be prepared to deal with strikes if they're grappling with someone in a SD situation.

MMA doesn't really have that problem because striking is always part of the equation.
Show me where i said only mma fighters stop criminals. I was going for mma is validated buy successful verifiable street experience.
You are still missing the point.

How exactly are you familiar with the difference between self defence and sports?
Where do you want me to start? The 2 separate occasions where I had a gun pointed at my head, people stalking me while cycling, or would like to hear the one about the car that tried to follow me home? I can repeat my story about my encounter with drug dealers who were literally recruiting their friends so they could jump me at night. Or would you like to hear some stories from my teen years where I fought someone who was a little more than 2 fee taller than I was and weighed double my weight. I could tell you the time about how I rescued a teen from an adult who was physically assaulting him. Or maybe you would like to hear how I've avoid fights, shootouts, and robberies. If that's not enough then maybe I can tell you what happened to 2 people who didn't listen to me. Maybe you would like to hear a story about me as child watching my mother getting sexually harassed. I have plenty of stories about me standing up to bullies as a kid. Tons of stories about me being in conflicts as an adult, but was able to prevent those conflicts from turning into fights. Maybe the story about someone who tried to break into my house is good one. Or how a car followed my wife while she was walking.
The main difference between SD Bjj and Sport Bjj is the exclusion of striking. The point Gracies are talking about here is that when you add striking to the equation, it changes how you grapple and sport Bjj guys should be prepared to deal with strikes if they're grappling with someone in a SD situation.

MMA doesn't really have that problem because striking is always part of the equation.
All systems have the problem of sports vs self-defense.. Once again you make the assumption that self-defense is only about striking.

1:40 See even he knows the difference
All systems have the problem of sports vs self-defense.. Once again you make the assumption that self-defense is only about striking.

I didn't say that striking was the ONLY difference, I said that it was the MAIN difference. There's other differences as well, but they're fairly minor in comparison.

1:40 See even he knows the difference

With all due respect to Royce, he was full of crap in that video and came off like a hypocrite.
I didn't say that striking was the ONLY difference, I said that it was the MAIN difference. There's other differences as well, but they're fairly minor in comparison.

With all due respect to Royce, he was full of crap in that video and came off like a hypocrite.

The true source of jujitsu stuff was a bit weird.
You are still missing the point.

Where do you want me to start? The 2 separate occasions where I had a gun pointed at my head, people stalking me while cycling, or would like to hear the one about the car that tried to follow me home? I can repeat my story about my encounter with drug dealers who were literally recruiting their friends so they could jump me at night. Or would you like to hear some stories from my teen years where I fought someone who was a little more than 2 fee taller than I was and weighed double my weight. I could tell you the time about how I rescued a teen from an adult who was physically assaulting him. Or maybe you would like to hear how I've avoid fights, shootouts, and robberies. If that's not enough then maybe I can tell you what happened to 2 people who didn't listen to me. Maybe you would like to hear a story about me as child watching my mother getting sexually harassed. I have plenty of stories about me standing up to bullies as a kid. Tons of stories about me being in conflicts as an adult, but was able to prevent those conflicts from turning into fights. Maybe the story about someone who tried to break into my house is good one. Or how a car followed my wife while she was walking.

And you dealt with some of those using sports training and some using street training and compared the difference?

Or understand how the methods impact the results?

I mean the statement was how you were familiar with the difference between self defence and sport. Not just being familiar with self defence.

Now i will have a watch of those videos when i get home. But bear in mind that you are just posting people's opinions. I don't really have to tale their word for it.

And you dealt with some of those using sports training and some using street training and compared the difference?
Yes, when I learned the hard way that sport fighting is not the same as self-defense. That was in a fight that I almost lost. The only thing that kept me from losing that fight wasn't my ability to fight but my ability to keep my distance and prevent him form getting with in range to strike me. (aka run away).

There is also an air of malice that comes with street fights that isn't present in a sports fight. I can fight in 100's of professional UFC fights and never get the same fear and urgency that comes with being in a self-defense situation. I don't care how bad ground in pound is in the ring it's never has the same malice and fear that it has when it's done in the street.

I've done sports fighting, just not on a professional level. With sports I don't get the same concern about my existence because I know there is a ref there. I know if I have had more than I can take, I can quit and the fight will be over. I know at the end, the guy that I'm fighting with will probably say "Good fight." I haven't had one that didn't say it, win or lose. I know that if I need medical attention that someone will be there to give it. I know there are rules that have to be followed during a sports fighting. I know that there are no ambushes or dark corners in MMA. I know that the rules were put there for the safety of the fighters. This means that even as brutal as professional MMA is, it can get worse, and on the streets it often does.

I didn't post the videos so that you would take their word. I posted the videos so that you could see a different perspective from people who do sports fighting and how they felt about self-defense.

On a personal level I don't care if you accept any of what is being said or shown, because I know without a doubt that self-defense is one of the topics where people either understand or learn the hard way about self-defense.
At the end of the day with all this fighting is fighting a punch is a punch a kick is a kick. It doesn't matter if its a sport punch or a self defence punch its still a punch. Kickboxing is a sport and I've used it to defend myself numerous times. I know I have a kenpo background as well which I have used as well I've used a mix of the kenpo tecniques and my kickboxing training but absolutely kickboxing can be used for defence. Look at Bruce lee he wanted to train purely self defence and he took a lot of principles from boxing and put it into his style
It's hard to take the man seriously when he says that competition isn't part of Bjj while he and his family used Bjj in competition to make tons of money.

I don't think Royce has ever come off well in an interview, even considering the language barrier. He's the last Jits guy I ever want to hear from, no knock on him or his style, just on his interviews. That guy doing the interview - damn, he's even worse.

To the part of the family making money from competitions - if you think about it, when thy first brought BJJ to the attention of the American public, there wasn't any way to make money from anything concerning Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, I never knew anyone who had actually heard of it, and I was deeply entrenched in the Martial world at the time. They sure changed that. Man, did they change that.
Please guys keep focus!

I have been in contact with Lior Offenbach, and talked about my situation with him. He told me that i could use mma instead of krav maga, when i dont have that opportunity. I just had to focus more on the striking, distance movement and strike and move etc. so until i find a krav maga gym that actually have some decend training, i will do this with my mma instructor.
Yes, when I learned the hard way that sport fighting is not the same as self-defense. That was in a fight that I almost lost. The only thing that kept me from losing that fight wasn't my ability to fight but my ability to keep my distance and prevent him form getting with in range to strike me. (aka run away).

There is also an air of malice that comes with street fights that isn't present in a sports fight. I can fight in 100's of professional UFC fights and never get the same fear and urgency that comes with being in a self-defense situation. I don't care how bad ground in pound is in the ring it's never has the same malice and fear that it has when it's done in the street.

I've done sports fighting, just not on a professional level. With sports I don't get the same concern about my existence because I know there is a ref there. I know if I have had more than I can take, I can quit and the fight will be over. I know at the end, the guy that I'm fighting with will probably say "Good fight." I haven't had one that didn't say it, win or lose. I know that if I need medical attention that someone will be there to give it. I know there are rules that have to be followed during a sports fighting. I know that there are no ambushes or dark corners in MMA. I know that the rules were put there for the safety of the fighters. This means that even as brutal as professional MMA is, it can get worse, and on the streets it often does.

I didn't post the videos so that you would take their word. I posted the videos so that you could see a different perspective from people who do sports fighting and how they felt about self-defense.

On a personal level I don't care if you accept any of what is being said or shown, because I know without a doubt that self-defense is one of the topics where people either understand or learn the hard way about self-defense.

And so self defence training reflects the life and death nature of a street fight more accurately?

You can use the tools learned in MMA. in dark corners, against ambushes and even against malicious people. (we have seen that every single post I have made) You can even add to those tools with other skills from outside MMA. But you need those basic tools first. There are very few illegal moves that cannot be trained using legal ones. Now this is important because the effectiveness of any move relyes on the individuals ability to apply it.

Competition places importance on the result of the training which you will struggle to get otherwise. You cant really learn to win if there is no cost to loosing. You also can't send people off into street fights as it defeats the purpose of self defence. So you get limited things you can do in a training setting.

Your mindset has to last the whole fight. For most people it does not go much past the first punch. MMA and sport in general use the method of pressure testing the person and the system to develop this. To do that you need rules because too much risk is detremental to creating a stronger willed person. You can't train effectively without rules.

If you can incapacitate a person using pads, using rules, and without malice. You will be better equiped to incapacitate someone when you dont use rules.

I'm somewhat puzzled as to what he's actually training, if he's not using MMA ( because it's just a sport lol) yet trains other sports such as wrestling. I'm also not sure why he thinks 'commercial' KM is so bad also why he thinks MMA is KM like but won't use it for defence. As for thinking training wrestling is fighting that too is puzzling. Striking bags is fine when bags attack you you'll be well rehearsed.
I do get fed up with people who think that if you do MMA you cannot possible be able to defend yourself because there's no referee and corners in 'da street', very shortsighted thinking.

MMA can of course help you in self defense but it's important to understand the limitations of it. Nobody is denying that a decent punch works just as well on the street as it does in the ring, but as you are well aware fighting on the street is so much more than that. I would say that when it comes to self-defense getting a base training in MMA is great but after that you will need to branch out and get more specialist self defense training which includes weapons defense and multiple threat fighting.

One thing that I don't think has really been discussed so far is the mindset. Even though MMA ring fights have very few rules, they do have them and this can affect a fighter's mindset. Having that safety net of the referee allows you to do some things that would be very dangerous to do on the street. After all, if you make a mistake in an MMA fight, chances are you'll just lose the round or at worse get knocked out. On the street that same mistake could lead to your death. If you try and take the MMA mindset and exact fighting style into a street fight you could very well end up putting yourself at more risk.
MMA can of course help you in self defense but it's important to understand the limitations of it. Nobody is denying that a decent punch works just as well on the street as it does in the ring, but as you are well aware fighting on the street is so much more than that. I would say that when it comes to self-defense getting a base training in MMA is great but after that you will need to branch out and get more specialist self defense training which includes weapons defense and multiple threat fighting.

One thing that I don't think has really been discussed so far is the mindset. Even though MMA ring fights have very few rules, they do have them and this can affect a fighter's mindset. Having that safety net of the referee allows you to do some things that would be very dangerous to do on the street. After all, if you make a mistake in an MMA fight, chances are you'll just lose the round or at worse get knocked out. On the street that same mistake could lead to your death. If you try and take the MMA mindset and exact fighting style into a street fight you could very well end up putting yourself at more risk.

It's fair to say that MMA will get you better prepared for a bad situation than some martial art that was created in medieval Asia.
MMA can of course help you in self defense but it's important to understand the limitations of it. Nobody is denying that a decent punch works just as well on the street as it does in the ring, but as you are well aware fighting on the street is so much more than that. I would say that when it comes to self-defense getting a base training in MMA is great but after that you will need to branch out and get more specialist self defense training which includes weapons defense and multiple threat fighting.

One thing that I don't think has really been discussed so far is the mindset. Even though MMA ring fights have very few rules, they do have them and this can affect a fighter's mindset. Having that safety net of the referee allows you to do some things that would be very dangerous to do on the street. After all, if you make a mistake in an MMA fight, chances are you'll just lose the round or at worse get knocked out. On the street that same mistake could lead to your death. If you try and take the MMA mindset and exact fighting style into a street fight you could very well end up putting yourself at more risk.

Ok. so how exactly are you training your mindset to win Self defencies.