hedgehogey said:
By which point he's no longer behind you, is he?
We hold these truths to be self-evident. This was my point. The approach and the connection might be from any angle. You adapt to it and get the eye shot. In opening this thread nobody indicated that you HAD to keep your back to the perp as part of the self defense technique. You said an eye gouge doesn't work if the attacker comes from behind...sure it does. You turn into him and take that puppy out of his gourd.
If properly dessicated it makes an interesting tree ornament at Christmas. You can also hang it from your rear view mirror or give it to your daughter as a somewhat unique charm bracelet. It makes a zippy hackey sack, too.
hedgehogey said:
Look, I get your point. But the only imperical evidence we have of these techniques being attempted is challenge matches and vale tudo events, so that's what i'm going by, unless you have footage of attempted rapes..
Highly trained fighters using techniques on highly trained fighters? This won't lead to us teaching the latest "rage" technique or training method? When Pedro Rizzo sidesteps a fighter and knocks him out with a beautiful right cross, we then laud its efficacy and start teaching it as a viable method of self defense for women and teens?
Those fights provide empirical data for YOU to use in your applications, perhaps. I'm taking a guess here that you're young, male, fit, and probably very much in the game...which is fine. One might ask how you got into a "self defense" situation in the first place if you are indeed in such prime condition. Perps attack those they perceive to be weak, typically.
If you want empirical data concerning sexual assault, you'll have to look elsewhere. Try talking to victims or reading accounts of attacks. There IS video footage out there of an eleven year old girl getting approached by the guy who killed and molested her...but it does little more than point out the subtle ways that predators work.
I note that the MMA section of this forum is DEAD. Wouldn't it be better to take Tank, Pedro, and Rorion over there and let them fight it out?
hedgehogey said:
Yes. I prefer about fifteen minutes after the technique has been introduced.
No problem with that.
Zoran, in discussing eye gouges we're discussing "a strike", not "one strike". I for one never advocate going for the one shot stop. Anything but.
I take that back...the Five Point Exploding Heart Palm. If a skinny woman can drop the great Kwai Chang with it, then I'd rely on it exclusively.
I haven't mastered it yet, though. So far I've irritated several people. I find this frustrating.
MJS...the effects of an ear shot that you list...ruptured ear drum, pain, muffled hearing, and dizziness are all symptoms that were experienced by the guy whose ears I boxed. Note again that it didn't stop him. It ticked him off. He didn't drop screaming to the ground. Had he the ability I think he would have kicked my butt. He didn't have the ability so he demurred.
Note that this guy was a major Poindexter (academic, musician, dweeby) and not the austere raging sociopath that haunts our deepest nightmares.
It is not uncommon for Navy SEALS to rupture their eardrums on exit from subs at depth. They go on with the mission. It hurts. It isn't incapacitating to any degree if the person afflicted has any measure of pain tolerance. Doctors gently suck out debris and fluid, put cotton over the ear with instructions to keep it dry, prescribe over the counter pain medications such as Tylenol as treatment, and suggest follow up to an otolaryngologist.
I teach this technique, but with the noted caveats.