Be Carefull What You Say To Your Children

Touch Of Death

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
My five year old daughter was asking her usual million questions. The subject of marriage came up and I told her I used to married to a girl named Sandy.

"Like in "Sponge Bob Square pants'?", she asked

"Yeah, just like in 'Sponge Bob Square pants'.", I said. and sorta forgot the conversation.

That afternoon we went to a restaurant and my daughter announced at the top of her lungs, "My Dad used to be married to a squirl named Sandy!"

The whole restaurant bursted out laughing. I made a note to self.:xtrmshock
Me: (Asking my youngest daughter in sign language) What would you like for breakfast?

Daughter: (Responding with sign language) Want Ralph full.

Me: (pausing to think over her reply as our sitter's name is Ralph and imagining him being full)

Me: Oh! (laughing) You want waffles.... (teaching her the correct sign for waffles)
Hot summer day, a few years ago...

My family sitting and playing outside in the front yard. Several other neighbors do the same thing.

My young son goes over to the neighbor: I saw you in the window [muted bathroom window] with [name of girlfriend]. What were you doing?

Neighbor caught off guard in front of others: Ummmm, we were conserving water. (all the adults snickering)
Not to hijack too much, but if your daughter is growing up bilingual did she start to really develop language skills a bit later?
A friend of mine and his wife had twins. My friend was in the Marines, and tended to swear... well... like a Marine. His wife kept telling him he had to quit swearing around the girls, and he kept promising he was going to, but never did.

One day, his mother-in-law asked one of the girls, then about 18 months old, if she wanted to do something - the little girl answered with a resounding "Hell, no!". He quit swearing around the kids that day.
I am sometimes amazed at what my daughters comprehend and remember!
One statement can cause such an impact on our kids that its so important to be aware of our actions and statements. Even our facial expressions!
Kids are too darn smart nowadays! :)
My sister's oldest children (6&4) have taught the youngest (2) a new word.


Usually shrieked at at the top of his lungs in the presence of adults. I swear, if he didn't get such a rise out of Mommy he wouldn't say it.
Not to hijack too much, but if your daughter is growing up bilingual did she start to really develop language skills a bit later?

No, not really. They start signing at roughly 5-6 months. Talking came just a little bit later, roughly 6-8 months. I understand that is pretty much on schedule. Ironically, it is easier for babies to sign dada than mama. Same thing with speaking. I guess fathers should feel pretty good about that. :wink:

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