BBC Personality test

I'm a Realist.

What's with all the shopping questions. We Realists don't shop!
Yes, I'm a realist too. I knew I would be but was hoping for different results.

I wonder if one can actually change their personality or if it's ingrained by the time we are perceptive enough to understand ourselves.
Navarre said:
Yes, I'm a realist too. I knew I would be but was hoping for different results.

I wonder if one can actually change their personality or if it's ingrained by the time we are perceptive enough to understand ourselves.

To some extent I think you can. Either by making a concious effort to behave a certain way, or by a major change in environment. Some things will remain, but some things can change.
Maybe. My entire personality is geared a certain way.

I'm honest, loyal, dependable, patient, kind, thoughtful, logical, respectful, and honorable. These are all good traits.

What I am fun. I'm not spontaneous, dynamic, intriguing, extroverted, or passionate. These are all things I would like to be.

Can I recreate myself without losing the best aspects of my current personality. Or, am I always going to be "that nice smart guy"?
Andrew Green said:
You just need to find a new friend named Jack Daniels :D

Yeah, well, there's an example. I don't drink, smoke, or take any sort of drugs.

In fact, I've never even tried any of the three. I also can't dance.

Therefore, it seems odd for me to go to a club or bar because it would be hard to interact with someone when I'm not sharing any of their current activities. I don't want to smoke, drink, or take drugs of course.

I would dance but I'm completely tone deaf. I couldn't get the beat if I was sitting inside of the drum!

So what now?
Navarre said:
Yes, I'm a realist too. I knew I would be but was hoping for different results.

I wonder if one can actually change their personality or if it's ingrained by the time we are perceptive enough to understand ourselves.

I think your personality changes throughout your entire life. I used to be very different then I am now. This is the road life's lessons have led me down. It works for me, but I do see your point. Yes, I think you can make a concious decision to change to some degree, but you are where you are for a reason.
Hmmm ... it says I'm a go-getter. is about right

* Love fun, people and the world around them
* Prefer hands-on learning to reading a book
* Think of themselves as enthusiastic, sociable or sensitive
* May forget about commitments because they're having so much fun
a bit on my result.

Summary of Big-Thinkers
Outspoken, ingenious and bored by routine
Think of themselves as talkative, curious and self-sufficient
May neglect the routine work required to make their plans successful


Your answers suggest you are an Idealist

Summary of Idealists
  • Make sense of the world using inner values
  • Focus on personal growth and the growth of others
  • Think of themselves as bright, forgiving and curious
  • May sometimes appear stubborn
I'm don't think everything describing the idealist fits me...I'm definitly not a vegetarian, but I can definitly be stubborn.

Robyn :idunno:
I am very skeptical about personality tests, but for those of you that are interested, here are my results:

Your answers suggest you are a Mastermind

Summary of Masterminds
Visionaries who put energy into achieving their goals
Prefer to work independently and dislike inefficiency
Think of themselves as logical, thorough, and bright
Values practicality and common sense above ideas and theories
Your answers suggest you are a Go-getter

Summary of Go-Getters

  • Inventive, resourceful problem solvers with a love of life
  • Can be tough-minded when necessary
  • Think of themselves as enthusiastic, determined and alert
  • May become frustrated by rules and routines
Go-Getter Careers

Go-getters are attracted to a variety of careers, especially those which require attention to detail.
Tells me I'm a Strategist.. yeah right.. I took it again cuz I doubted it.. and answered a tad differently and STILL came out that.. bah ..
I don't have outbursts and I am NOT Sarcastic when I don't get my way.. Bloody Stupid Tests...............