Barry Bonds: Do you give a damn?

Tames D

MTS Alumni
He's closing in on the home run record but I don't hear alot of hoopla about it. Maybe because he's so unpopular?
Despite my love/hate feelings about him I still get a little excited about milestones.
So, do you give a damn about Barry or the record?
He's closing in on the home run record but I don't hear alot of hoopla about it. Maybe because he's so unpopular?
Despite my love/hate feelings about him I still get a little excited about milestones.
So, do you give a damn about Barry or the record?

Well, being of an athletic background, and in baseball itself, I can't help but to get a bit hyped over it all ... however, I believe that for most and to some degree to myself as well, the cloud hanging over this and other records related to steriods has an affect. That when tagged onto the fact that Barry has never been all that approachable makes this a low key event. It is unfortunate cause the record itself is totally incredible and to break it is really unbelievable, but as the saying goes, records were made to be broken.
I'm not a huge baseball fan, but I'm kind of excited about Bonds breaking the record.

Plus, there's no telling how many of those home run balls he hit were thrown by steroid enhanced pitchers. ;)
Plus, there's no telling how many of those home run balls he hit were thrown by steroid enhanced pitchers. ;)
Dude, thats the truth!

I'm a bit interested... If he could stay healthy long enough, it would be over soon. The guy has been plagued with injuries for a while now. I'm honestly suprised he is not playing DH on some team....

I think it would have been hyped ever more if he were a likeable guy. Then again, with all the allegations the media has heaped on him, I can understand being a bit standoffish...
I think the main reason there has not been alot said about this is because BONDS was accused of steroids. I know HANK ARRON will not watch the event if he does break the record.
I think the main reason there has not been alot said about this is because BONDS was accused of steroids. I know HANK ARRON will not watch the event if he does break the record.
Yeah, I heard that Aaron is not a happy camper about this. Is it because he feels he's getting ripped off, since he wasn't using steroids during his career? (not that Bonds has been on steroids, I don't think it's been proven, I may be wrong)
Until they test Bonds and he comes up positive I don't care. If he tests positive for something that was not on the banned list at the time good for him. If he has ever put his health in danger to get better at his sport, shame on him.
I want to see him get the record and I want to see him test clean befor and after that game.
I doubt that there are many athilets at a professional level that have not used some substance at some time in their carrier that has been later banned by their sport.