Barr: McCain?s record on guns causes skepticism

Clark Kent

<B>News Bot</B>
11-01-2008 07:41 PM
Second Amendment enthusiasts in Pennsylvania aren&#8217;t happy with Sen. John McCain and are looking at Bob Barr:

Perhaps the most concerned about Second Amendment politics are the online members of the Pennsylvania Firearm Owners&#8217; Association, most of whom chose to openly carry their guns when they gathered for a regional picnic at Hazle Township Community Park on Oct. 25. The majority of picnickers said they would likely vote neither for Obama nor Republican candidate John McCain, but Libertarian candidate Bob Barr or another fringe candidate who hews more closely to their pro-gun, government-wary point of view.

Few local gun owners support Obama, who so far has largely tailored his gun stance to hunters, whom he has promised will be able to buy and transport firearms, though he supports control of assault weapons and stricter gun licensing laws. McCain, meanwhile, opposes banning assault weapons or confiscating citizens&#8217; guns after an emergency. But neither candidate goes as far as Barr, who rejects &#8220;any law requiring registration of, or restricting the ownership, manufacture, or transfer or sale of firearms or ammunition to law-abiding citizens,&#8221; according to his Web site.

As has been pointed out here many times, Bob has an &#8220;A+&#8221; lifetime rating with the National Rifle Association. McCain&#8217;s record is sketchy at best, which has been pointed out by NRA officials, while Sen. Barack Obama&#8217;s record is abysmal.

This leaves gun owners no where else to go but Bob Barr.


I'll freely admit (and I think I've said it here before) that I do not really like McCain and his record on 2nd Amendment issues has been pretty poor. Among other things, he's still dumb enough to believe that there is a "gunshow loophole."
I'll freely admit (and I think I've said it here before) that I do not really like McCain and his record on 2nd Amendment issues has been pretty poor. Among other things, he's still dumb enough to believe that there is a "gunshow loophole."

But yet people will vote for him.
because a vote for anyone else (3rd party) is, in reality, a vote for Obama who WILL be a damn sight worse for this country.

I agree with that statement, this country is going to hell faster than I gain wieght.

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