You pretty much got that figured--it is a balance of the three.
That age is pretty competitive. They like technique lines--one holds the paddle while they line up and round kick, spin heel, hook, or crescent, etc. They can see how the others are doing it that way as well. Small groups but that takes alot of paddles.
We have plyometric drills, around cones, on "lily pad" targets on the floor, jumping over small barricades, monkey run- on hands and feet, crab walk, tumbling, rolling, etc. Races doing round kick etc. to different targets or over the cones--two or three go at a time or use a stopwatch and time just one and mark it down. Round/spin heel kicking soft foam balls. Dodge ball for 5 minutes at the end--instructor gets to tag the students along one wall by a throw to get them out. Need a bucket of balls. Flying side and flying double front kick (or triple) are fun for them too, to a paddle(s).
First half or so of class is fun, sweat and technique work, or sparring. The second half about (15-20 min.) form, and requirements, plus ab workout. There are pushups of course but we do those at the beginning of class. TW