Green Belt
Achieving a balanced endurance training session can be a hard thing to accomplish. People tend to lean, even without knowing it, towards what they are best at. Runners will spend a long time running, dedicating almost no time at all to anything else. People who are excellent at pushups will find it hard to put time in with situps. Even people who are good at laying out their time in an orderly fashion are prone to this. For instance, I am good at situps, and tend to spend more time on that alone than I should. Of course, there's nothing wrong with practicing your specialty, it is good to train with something you are good at, it makes up for your weaknesses. But a balance is also required. Any martial artist requires a spread of abilities. All muscles should be toned, but not overtrained: a martial artist is, generally, not really a weight lifter.
Well, how to avoid this problem? A good way is to set goals. A person will find it easier to keep training in a certain way if they know what they are going for. Another is to train with a partner. There's something about training in pairs, or in groups, that simply cannot be acchieved by oneself. A person is spurred on, tries harder. The mindset is also different. Rather than an optional training time that you loosely stick to, it becomes a neccessity in your mind, a definate, and becomes easier and more fun to stick to.
Push yourself. If you know that you can do something, do it. It might be hard to do something you do not want to do, but as you push, you will find it getting easier, that you are getting into your stride.
This applies to more than just endurance training. Any kind of training, martial arts or otherwise, can be aided by this kind of idea.
All in all, its more about what you want to do than what you can do.
Well, how to avoid this problem? A good way is to set goals. A person will find it easier to keep training in a certain way if they know what they are going for. Another is to train with a partner. There's something about training in pairs, or in groups, that simply cannot be acchieved by oneself. A person is spurred on, tries harder. The mindset is also different. Rather than an optional training time that you loosely stick to, it becomes a neccessity in your mind, a definate, and becomes easier and more fun to stick to.
Push yourself. If you know that you can do something, do it. It might be hard to do something you do not want to do, but as you push, you will find it getting easier, that you are getting into your stride.
This applies to more than just endurance training. Any kind of training, martial arts or otherwise, can be aided by this kind of idea.
All in all, its more about what you want to do than what you can do.